Memorial Drive Elementary School
Houston, Texas
School Activity
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- 0 this year
2,728 fans
- 466 this year
158,545 visitors
School Awards
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The next award will be earned after publishing 50,000 artworks! This award is almost earned!
Welcome to our school’s online portfolio on Artsonia!. Thank you for visiting and supporting the arts at Memorial Drive Elementary School. Hope you enjoy seeing your child's latest artworks and creations! I am always impressed by seeing your child's growth in their unique artistic skills over the course of the school year.
If you need to get your school access code for your account, please send me an email. Parents, you can also post your child's artwork pictures that were done out of class and help to create your child’s fan club by sharing the link with your child's work to your family, friends, and relatives. We always appreciate your comments for our efforts and hard work!!
No artwork has been published to this school.