Meadowlark Elementary

Sheridan, Wyoming
School Activity
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8,368 artworks
- 0 this year
- 0 this year
32 statements
- 0 this year
597 fans
- 0 this year
0 student awards this year
20,495 visitors
School Awards (2)
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5,000 art
Dec 7, 2022
1,000 art
May 13, 2021
The next award will be earned after publishing 10,000 artworks!
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Welcome to Meadowlark's Visual Art Gallery! Our gallery is here to help keep you connected with what our students are creating here in the art room. We encourage you to look at your students' projects, have discussions about their art, leave comments, and even create fan clubs for your students! They work hard, and we are so proud of what they create. Thank you for supporting the arts!!
Leslea Huhn