John Monteith Elementary School
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
School Activity
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3,364 fans
- 1,187 this year
172,421 visitors
School Awards
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The next award will be earned after publishing 75,000 artworks!
Welcome to Monteith's visual arts gallery on Artsonia! Here, you will be able to view your students' online portfolio with different artworks, project descriptions, artist statements, and standards posted throughout the year. Please invite your family and friends to share in your students' art experience by becoming "fans" and leaving inspiring comments on their artworks in your students' portfolio gallery. Artwork makes great gifts for family and friends, and 20% of your purchases will come right back to Monteith's Art Department, and students always are excited when their artwork is "published" on a keepsake item. Happy viewing!
No artwork has been published to this school.