Funston Elementary School
Chicago, Illinois
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The next award will be earned after publishing 5,000 artworks!
Wow what a year... Three nominees on Artsonia, a first grader as a featured Artist on Artsonia, 3rd Grade trip to Chicago Hot Glass, 6th grade trip to Museum of Contemporary Art, and seven Second grade artist had their Artwork displayed in The Art Institute of Chicago.
But just because it the end of the school year the fun in art does not stop. I hope everyone took one last look at this old Art room. When you return to Funston in August, it is going to have a brand new colorful look! Chicago Cares came into paint the school halls earlier this summer giving Mrs. Giesler the painting bug. Mrs. Giesler with the help of several students, who took time out of their summer break; helped paint and beautify our art space.
Look for new posters, new projector area, Chihuly inspired chandler, Dubuffet levitating sculptures.
I look forward to having another exciting year see you in August.
Don't forget about the Artsonia Giftshop where you can put your childs artwork on various merchandise.
No artwork has been published to this school.