Esperanza Elementary School
Phoenix, Arizona
School Activity
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The next award will be earned after publishing 5,000 artworks!
Welcome to our visual arts gallery on Artsonia! Please feel free to share your child's work with family members and friends. I want my students to understand that every artwork they create is important and that we value what they do. This site will be used as a digital portfolio for your child over the course of the year allowing you to see what they are creating in the art room. Artwork done outside of class can also be added to a student's gallery, so please contact me if you have other special creations needing to be published.
Thank you to all the parents who have created Artsonia accounts. This allows you to be notified when new projects are posted. You can also approve any comments left for your child. Comments will not be posted without your acceptance. If you haven't checked out your child's gallery on Artsonia, please take a look!
Thank you for visiting and supporting your child's work in the art room!
Miss. Clark
No artwork has been published to this school.