Greene County Intermediate School
Snow Hill, North Carolina
School Activity
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The next award will be earned after publishing 5,000 artworks!
Welcome to our GCIS art gallery on Artsonia! Whether working in the classroom or at home this page will be used to upload and share the great artwork done by students at GCIS. Projects will be posted with directions and/or videos.
When you complete your work and want to share there are sections available for titles and statements to go along with your art. After it is sent I will be able to preview and comment on your work before approving it to be posted. Art is a wonderful way to show creativity so I encourage you all to have fun and try your best! Please enjoy and feel free to look throughout the other projects as we continue to load more artwork!
You will find that artwork can be purchased through this site on a variety of items. If you do purchase anything the proceeds will provide funds for our art supplies next year.
No artwork has been published to this school.