Birchwood Public Schools

Birchwood, Wisconsin
School Activity
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3,014 artworks
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160 fans
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0 student awards this year
2,581 visitors
School Awards (1)
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1,000 art
Apr 13, 2017
The next award will be earned after publishing 5,000 artworks!
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Welcome to our amazing Birchwood Student Gallery! Money that is generated through Artsonia will help purchase "special" art supplies for the students in order to create some EXTRA special projects and give them even more memorable experiences.

If you are a returning guest, I sure hope you enjoyed viewing all of the amazing artwork that was created last year! I am pleased to let you know that there will be MUCH MORE created this year! I have many new projects in store for my students and I know they will love them! If you are new to our Artsonia family, I hope you take a moment to browse our AMAZING student gallery. Birchwood students get the wonderful opportunity to create with all different types of media such as paint, clay and even paper mache! My goal for sharing this gallery was to help give family and friends an "inside peek" at what goes on in our Art Room. The students take great pride in their artwork and I feel it deserves to be showcased!

Thank you for your support!