Millstone Schools PreK-5
Millstone, New Jersey
School Activity
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1,660 fans
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0 student awards this year
32,298 visitors
School Awards
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The next award will be earned after publishing 25,000 artworks!
Welcome to the MTPS art gallery on Artsonia! We are looking forward to an amazing year of creativity, innovation, and fun!
In 2014-15, we were #4 in the state (#99 in the nation) for comments! You can help us continue to rank by leaving comments and inviting family and friends to join fan clubs! It is inspiring and encouraging for students to read your feedback. I will help us stay ranked by uploading art, and students will help by creating beautiful artwork & writing artist statements!
Did you know that YOU can upload your child's artwork as well? Just download the Artsonia app from the App Store or Google Play, and get started! It's fun, easy, and FREE, and allows you to easily archive and access your child's work.
Thanks for visiting and supporting the arts! The money generated through Artsonia Truly helps our art program - last year, we purchased books, awesome ceramics supplies and glazes, and fun additions to art centers.
No artwork has been published to this school.