Minshew Elementary School
McKinney, Texas
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The next award will be earned after publishing 25,000 artworks!
Welcome to our Minshew Elementary visual arts gallery and individual portfolios on Artsonia. Thank you for visiting and supporting the arts for our kids. The money generated through Artsonia will help purchase art supplies for the school. It is totally optional for you to purchase your child's artwork from the gift shop. Artsonia will also teach kids about on line portfolios and presenting their artwork which is something they will need to do as they continue with their art into the upper grade levels.
Enjoy looking at your kid's artwork--have them tell you how they did it, what they learned, what medium they used etc. They love when I pull their work up on the smart board and see their name in print and they artwork above it! Take a look!!!
No artwork has been published to this school.