Skokie's 5th and 6th grade students (and some staff!) have painted these animal portraits, inspired by a current or former
Orphans of the Storm shelter animal.
- Individual works in this collection will be raffled off at our A.B.C.D. (Artists Benefitting Cats and Dogs) Spring Arts Show at the Skokie School in Winnetka, Thursday May 16, 2024 from 5-7pm. (Stick around for the Spring Cadet Band and Washburne Jazz Ensemble Concert from 7:30 – 9:00pm!)
- For a suggested donation of $20 you will receive one original 8"x10" painted canvas, at random. Select canvasses will have additional prizes!
- For a suggested donation of $50, Skokie School parents can reserve a specific painting from the collection (must reserve by Friday April 26, 2024).
- Tickets can only be purchased at the event or online through the Winnetka P.T.O.
- All proceeds benefit Orphans of the Storm.