Victoria Fertitta Middle School

Las Vegas, Nevada
School Activity
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7,779 artworks
- 0 this year
- 0 this year
6 statements
- 0 this year
862 fans
- 0 this year
0 student awards this year
131,877 visitors
School Awards (2)
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5,000 art
Oct 14, 2009
1,000 art
May 2, 2007
The next award will be earned after publishing 10,000 artworks!
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This school has not yet received any comments yet.
Students love showcasing their talent online and hearing feedback from their family and friends. Plus the more artwork, fan club members, and comments we have, the higher our ranking in the state from artsonia. You have no idea how exciting a few words of encouragement can be for these talented young artists. They love to watch their fan club grow and work hard to put their best efforts into their art because they know it is appreciated.

We'll take care of the artwork, we need you to keep the positive comments and fans coming!

Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. McGreal

(This display is presented in accordance with the CCSD Policy and Regulation 6130, Assemblies & Public Programs.)
