North Little Rock Middle School
North Little Rock, Arkansas
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The next award will be earned after publishing 10,000 artworks!
Welcome to our online visual arts gallery! This is a space for students to practice and show off their art exhibition skill by photographing and uploading their own artwork. Combining technology and art to build 21st century skills will help prepare students for the future as well as give them a sense of ownership and pride in their visual arts projects. Thank you for being a part of this process. As a reminder, any products that are purchased through Artsonia with student artwork will give back profits to support the art program at our school.
Some student work cannot be shown on Artsonia because they are in the form of video! Check out videos made by our students on YouTube at Other places that you can see student work and get updates about what's going on in the classroom are Facebook and Instagram. Like our Visual Arts program at or follow our photos at
No artwork has been published to this school.