Sketchbook Cover-ART I

Slideshow from Corning High School (posted on August 26, 2024)

Sketchbook Cover Requirements:
Front: Draw yourself in a Vacation spot you’d like to visit:
Examples: Paris, the Beach in Florida, Rome, a Safari in Africa, Surfing in Australia etc.  THE CATCH: We must be able to tell where you are! (You may trace if needed!)

Back: You need to draw your name large and easy to read, in the background create an artwork using pattern, shape, and color. BE CREATIVE

Students will then take a picture of their Sketchbook Cover design and put it on their Artsonia page while also giving their artwork a Title and completing the Artist Statement in Complete Sentences.

Priority Standards:
 "I can generate and develop creative artistic ideas in my work."
"I can select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for an effective presentation."

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