Element of Art- Line: Name Art

Slideshow from North Pointe Christian Academy (posted on August 30, 2023)
Students learned about Frank Stella, an American painter, sculptor and printmaker known for using geometric shapes and lines to make bold statements in his art. Students observed several examples of his work. We then discussed the Element of Line in Art and various types of lines, practicing drawing each type. Students were given an outline of their name and challenged to fill each letter with various types of lines. As they worked, students were challenged to consider the importance of our names and Isaiah 43:1 which states that God has called us by name, redeemed us, and we are His.
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Element of Art- Line: Name Art
Aug 31, 2023 · slideshow (35 art)
► 05:50
Self Portraits
Aug 22, 2023 · slideshow (35 art)