Elementary Art Show

Slideshow from Guardian Christian Academy (posted on May 6, 2020)
Hello All,
Sadly, due to the current situation in the world, the ACSI Art fair had to be canceled, but I still wanted to highlight the art that the students have worked so hard on throughout this school year. I decided to look through each student's portfolio and choose one piece of artwork that stood out the most for their craftsmanship, creativity, and skill. I am so proud of all of my students and the continued effort that they put into their projects. Every time I open up a new project that has been submitted I feel so much joy seeing their talent. Some of the projects chosen were done at school and some were done while at home and each piece shows the student's creativity and effort. The order in which the pieces are shown is at random (Artsonia created the order), there are 142 pieces of art total and each piece is shown for ten seconds. I hope you enjoy looking through this slideshow of all of their work and enjoy the many different projects that have been completed over the year. 
Ms. Friedrichs 
(PS Artsonia wouldn't allow me to add music to the slideshow, so it might be a nice addition to play music in the background as you watch)
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Elementary Art Show
May 6, 2020 · slideshow (139 art)