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Doolittle School
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this school year (since July 2024)
last school year (July 2023 - June 2024)
2 years ago (July 2022 - June 2023)
3 years ago (July 2021 - June 2022)
all projects
Grade 1 Mondrian inspired line, shape, color
Grade 2 Butterfly Symmetry, color, line, shape
Grade 3 Kandinsky mixed media, oil pastel, watercolor, shape, color
Grade 4 Yayoi Kusama inspired polka dot pumpkins, shape, color, form
Grade 6 op art, value and movement
Grade 5 contour drawing
Kindergarten painting, drawing, Maurice Sendak inspired wild things
One Point Perspective Names - 6th Grade
grade 3 realistic rendering and collage
grade 2 overlapping leaves, draw, oil pastels, paint mixed media
K Jasper Johns, chalk, painted paper, collage
grade 1 grandfather clock, pattern, color, shape
grade 4 Georgia O'Keeffe inspired flower paintings, observe petal shape and color
Grade 3 realistic rendering paint and collage
Watercolor Line Paintings - Kindergarten
K Alma Thomas inspired shape and color
grade 5 Wayne Thiebaud inspired dessert with shadows and light
grade 6 copy paper sculpture challenge
grade 2 overlapping trees with Nutcracker ballet characters
grade 1 architecture
grade 3 landscapes, realistic and pop art
K Klimt inspired trees, painting, collage, spirals, color, shape
Grade 3realistic rendering
Paper Shape Collage - Kindergarten (copy)
Shape Characters
grade 4 Connecticut realistic rendering lighthouses and textured John Constable inspired clouds
Kindergarten self portrait
grade 3 low relief sculpture using recycled materials and mixed media
grade 6 altered book sculpture
K Eric Carle inspired spider webs and collage spiders
grade 3 molas and low relief
grade 4 3d dinosaur sculpture
k Louise Nevelson inspired sculptures with recycled materials
grade 1 David Hockney inspired organic pool painting and self portrait swimmer
grade 5 Revolutionary War portraits
grade 5 USA site with fireworks in background
grade 1 Cezanne inspired school material still life
grade 6 sculpture options, newspaper clothes, immersive painting shoe box, hat, etc.
grade 2 self portrait
Anni Albers found object jewelry
K painted paper collage mixed media jellyfish
Rainbow Fish - Kindergarten
Name Kaleidoscopes - Grade 6
grade 1 painted and mixed media birds
Tubes Optical Illusion - 6th Grade
K Matisse inspired organic shape cut outs mixed media
grade 6 perspective
grade 4 print bees, flowers, honeycomb, butterflies mixed media
grade 6 still life self portraits
grade 6 radial symmetry
grade 6 digital self portrait
grade 2 Hokusai inspired Great Wave painting
grade 4 John Constable inspired cloud paintings (texture)
grade 2 Monet's garden at Giverny
grade 4 USA skylines, mixed media
grade 2 woven baskets and Yayoi Kusama inspired hot air balloons
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