Connor20276's Portfolio

27 visitors
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 Meg (Mother)
 Mary (Grandmother)
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

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Hi Connor ~ WOW, what a cool city with amazing buildings, windows, and staircases. Looks like a beautiful day filled with lovely blue skies in the background. As much as I love how you designed your staircases to intersect with each other, I am really glad I don’t have to climb all those stairs to get to work each day! Incorporating nature by including trees was a nice touch and shows great creativity. Well done and nice touches like the smoke, Connor. Love you, Grammy and Granddad
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Julia Green Elementary School
10 artworks
grade 11
grade 10
grade 11
grade 11
grade 11
grade Knd1
grade Knd2
grade Knd1
grade Knd2
grade Knd1