Cora1455's Portfolio

244 visitors
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 Angie (Mother)
 Wylie (Father)
 Grandma B (Grandmother)
 Sandy (Grandmother)
 Emily (Aunt)
... plus 3 others ...
Awards earned this year based on participation.

Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (1 this year)

Popular Artist for 5 fans (8 this year)

Rave Reviews for 5 comments (1 this year)
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Latest comment:
Hello Cora1455, I’m a senior at Platteville High School. My Artsonia ID is Morgan17134 if you want to look me up and see my art! I really like your use of contrast in this art piece. The bright red figures stand out strongly against the black background. I think your artwork also has a really nice sense of balance. Having a face at the top instead of another figure emphasizes it in an interesting way because it disrupts the symmetrical balance of the figures on the right, left, and bottom
Send someone a postcard with this art and a personal message!
20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Platteville Middle School
9 artworks
grade 70
grade 60
grade 60
grade 60
grade 60
grade 61
grade 60
grade 50
grade 50
Westview Elementary School
24 artworks
grade 41
grade 40
grade 30
grade 31
grade 22
grade 21
grade 20
grade 22
grade 21
grade 10
grade 10
grade 10
grade 10
grade 12
grade 10
grade 10
grade 10
grade Knd0
grade Knd0
grade Knd0
grade PreK-40
grade PreK-40
grade PreK-40
grade PreK-40