Kathryn3291's Portfolio

353 visitors
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 Julie (Mother)
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

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Hello Kathryn3291. I am a Junior at Platteville High School in Platteville, WI. My Artsonia ID is Abigail18392. This is so cool! I love how much the amorphous shape and the bold lines contrast, it is such a neat dynamic. I am really impressed with how smooth everything looks; the black lines surrounding the purple are so clean. I love how you set this piece up, and how the pop of color is off to the side, rather than in the middle. Overall, this is such an interesting and unique piece. Great work!
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is donated to the school arts program
Menomonee Falls High School
86 artworks
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Shady Lane Elementary School (4k-2)
5 artworks
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