Grace13900's Portfolio

25 visitors
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 Carol (Legal guardian)
 Marianne (Teacher)
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

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DEAR GRACE: Thanks for sharing your ARK with me. The painting shows a storm and a safe place to be. Waves on the water and lightning in the sky make fun pattern to look at. I see that you are in third grade now; in a couple of years you will learn about METAPHOR, and how the ARK and storm can stand for MORE: How we can all create safe places of harbor in the storm of life, in our minds and on paper with paint and colors! LOVE is the only POWER, love is the only way! Have a great day. -- Marianne
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
North Georgia Christian School
7 artworks
grade 30
grade 30
grade 30
grade 30
grade 30
grade 30
grade 31