Ashton3651's Portfolio

51 visitors
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 Belinda (Mother)
 Helen Mathis (Grandmother)
Awards earned this year based on participation.

Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

Popular Artist for 5 fans (0 this year)

Rave Reviews for 5 comments (0 this year)
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Latest comment:
Dearest Ashton,I LOVE your latest artwork. You are absolutely amazing and your artwork is improving each time you have a new piece on the Artsonia website. Keep up the great artwork and someday you could also be teaching others like your teacher does. I will also be purchasing this piece so I can always enjoy looking at it in my own home. I was so happy to purchase this picture for you like I have with the others I purchased. I love to do these things for you. Someday when you are older and married with children I’m sure they will get as much joy out of your drawings as I do. Make sure you take good care of the ones you already have, because you still have two more years to add to them. You are a really sweet grandson and I’m blessed that you are mine. We have a lot of good times together and they will only get better as time goes on. Always know how much I love and admire you. Please keep up the good work and know you are loved a lot. I can’t wait to see the next two coming years of your artwork!! You are really growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday you were entering pre-k and now you are a third grader. I can’t wait to purchase my keepsakes of your latest artwork and show them to you. I will also be getting you something special as a keepsake. I love you Ashton. Nan -- Helen Mathis
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Satilla Marsh Elementary
21 artworks
grade 31
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grade PreK-40