Parker3741's Portfolio

76 visitors
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 Melissa (Mother)
 Gammy (Grandparents)
 Mimi (Great Grandmother)
 Mrs. Keefer (Teacher)
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

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FIRST GRADE students enjoyed their art time outside on our beautiful campus grounds (en plein air). They were asked to draw one special tree, and "not a broccoli." Afterward, students were expected to create their own greens and browns vs. taking the easy route and plopping their brushes into the ready-made paint! The works were filmed in progress during our plein air sessions and also while students were painting indoors. These are complicated works that required observing nature in a three-dimensional environment and visually translating what students observed into a two-dimensional representation! The e-portfolios while in progress are available on my Twitter account @RuthKeefer and also on YouTube (Ruth Keefer art). These delightful landscapes from our own campus would make memorable note cards and/or gifts for your friends and family. Thank you for supporting ParishArts! I would love to take all of these works home with me!
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is donated to the school arts program
Parish Episcopal Lower School (K-2)
12 artworks
grade 10
grade 10
grade 10
grade 11
grade 10
grade Knd1
grade Knd2
grade Knd1
grade Knd1
grade Knd1
grade Knd1
grade Knd1