EthanA6's Portfolio

24 visitors
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 Beth (Mother)
 Mom (Mother)
 Lyn &R (Grandparents)
 Lynne (Grandparents)
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

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Hey, Ethan, didn't know you are an artist!! I also didn't know fish fall in love. I learned two things today! It is really nice to get to see something you have done. I would like to hear about what you do in school too. Your mom told me about how you cut your finger with the meshetti! Bet THAT hurt. Guess you feel right at home in that ER eh? School will be out in one month...when do you get out? How is Bob? I still look at one of the nice pictures I have of him. It makes me smile. Thanks for the have a great day.Love, Gma B
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Northlake Christian School
3 artworks
grade 40
grade 42
grade 41