Dominic18136's Portfolio

73 visitors
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 Peter (Father)
 Michelle (Mother)
 Letty (Grandmother)
 Letty (Grandmother)
 Marta (Grandmother)
... plus 6 others ...
Awards earned this year based on participation.

Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (4 this year)

Popular Artist for 5 fans (11 this year)

Rave Reviews for 5 comments (5 this year)
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Latest comment:
Grandson, your art is beautiful. The colors you have chosen are so vibrant.
Send someone a postcard with this art and a personal message!
20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Eanes Elementary School
4 artworks
grade Knd1
grade Knd2
grade Knd2
grade Knd0