Shoshana109's Portfolio

90 visitors
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 Arielle (Mother)
 Marc (Grandfather)
 Grandma (Grandmother)
 Pat (Grandmother)
 Reesa (Grandmother)
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

Popular Artist for 5 fans (0 this year)

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Latest comment:
I recognized this picture immediately! But I thought it was by Piet Mondrian and that I had seen it in a museum in New York! I once had a dress that looked like this . . . He was a very popular artist. But this is an original by Shoshana and it's just as good! I hope we can do a project together soon with some of the art supplies I've gathered! Love Love and More Love
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Torah Day School
15 artworks
grade 10
grade 10
grade 11
grade 10
grade 11
grade 11
grade 10
grade 10
grade 11
grade 11
grade 12
grade 10
grade 11
grade 11
1 additional artwork not shown - marked as private or waiting on parent permission