Evelyn13505's Portfolio

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 Gwen (Mother)
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (5 this year)

Popular Artist for 5 fans (2 this year)

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First, allow me to say how developed and skilled the actual technique is here. Such masterful control to take two seemingly “n” shaped eyes and have them express such emotion! Even if you hide the mouth, the eyes still appear to be smiling. The symbolism here is distinct. Notice, Evelyn chooses to draw closed eyes on a project that’s a self portrait. She’s questioning our ability to see ourselves as we truly are. Can an artist see themselves, and conjointly, their subject, without bias? Do we make more or less of our strengths and weaknesses? There is also a sense of the transitive nature of both time and perception. The subject “Evelyn” is smiling, but is the artist? Was this a smile for a specific moment, a passing fancy, one bright spot in an otherwise dark day? Or, as I see it, is the smile a reflection of a core state of being for her? Does the artist Evelyn possess this innate level of contentment, to the point where she always see herself smiling, without regard to external influences? Again, can we as humans be both subject and artist? And, upon interpretation, who does the piece of art reflect, the artist or the subject? The shape and number of the hearts is equally important. There are 11 hearts, a number that is significant to the artist. But notice the variety in shape, color, and intensity. This is her statement about finding happiness and love through many varied ventures, versus just putting all your hopes and dreams in one perfectly shaped and defined traditional red heart. Sheer genius!
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is donated to the school arts program
Huddleston Elementary School
26 artworks
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