Sophia40546's Portfolio

371 visitors
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 Debasish (Father)
 Jaime (Mother)
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 Grandma Angie (Grandmother)
... plus 4 others ...
Awards earned this year based on participation.

Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (3 this year)

Popular Artist for 5 fans (9 this year)

Rave Reviews for 5 comments (4 this year)
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Latest comment:
"The Actor," appears to be theatrical. The head is held upright with an attitude of pride in the assigned role. I am drawn to the eyes, one of which is more prominent. The upper and lower eyelashes are neatly outlined. The nose is presented with only the tip showing one nostril. Colors are bright, the white balances the dark green, the colorful straps are perfectly showcased on the tan skin. The lips are red, the only color that crosses the facial mid-line. "The Actor's" short hair being pulled up and away from the face is like drawing a curtain open to show the entire picture. Lastly, we see a soft gray shadow along the jaw line that leads to the earlobe which hosts a small earring. "The Actor" deserves 5 stars!!
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is donated to the school arts program
Platteville Middle School
3 artworks
grade 51
grade 50
grade 50
Westview Elementary School
19 artworks
grade 42
grade 45
grade 42
grade 43
grade 41
grade 42
grade 41
grade 31
grade 33
grade 33
grade 35
grade 31
grade 31
grade 21
grade 21
grade 21
grade 21
grade 21
grade 21