Juliette1721's Portfolio

156 visitors
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 Lindsey (Mother)
 Dad (Father)
 Grandma Kathy (Grandmother)
 Grandma Michele (Grandmother)
 Michele (Grandmother)
... plus 1 other ...
Awards earned this year based on participation.

Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (6 this year)

Popular Artist for 5 fans (6 this year)

Rave Reviews for 5 comments (4 this year)
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Latest comment:
Jules - Grpa and & I are enjoying your Mission artwork, especially because we have been near San Diego this week where there are many mission churches that look very similar to your drawing. They have the curved archways and the cross like yours. Hope you can go to the Southwest sometime and see them for yourself. Keep up the good work! Love, Grma C
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Our Lady Of Grace
35 artworks
grade 51
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Concord Elementary School
12 artworks
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