Tomas1118's Portfolio

451 visitors
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 Bill (Father)
 Alba (Mother)
 Mimi Jane (Grandmother)
Awards earned this year based on participation.

Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (6 this year)

Popular Artist for 5 fans (3 this year)

Rave Reviews for 5 comments (4 this year)
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I love the explosion of colors! Your house is so vibrant. I like the way you gave it perspective by drawing the side wall coming out from front wall at an angle. That gives your house depth. The brick texture on that wall adds interest. Your house must be so bright inside because there are so many beautiful windows. I look forward to you telling me about the details in the windows, and I am curious about the spikes on the left side of the house. The Biltmore house serves as an inspiring model for your drawing! I have visited huge castles in France that look just like the Biltmore. Did you know about the indoor pool and the bowling alley? Also, this was one of the first homes in America to have indoor plumbing! Yea! Toilets indoors! Let's go visit one day in Asheville! Keep drawing! Love, Mimi
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Lake Norman Elementary
30 artworks
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