Nash1239's Portfolio

18 visitors
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 David (Father)
 Chantelle (Mother)
 Dee Dee (Grandmother)
 Deedee (Grandmother)
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Nashy the Red Nosed Reindeer had very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you would even say it snows all of the other reindeer used to crash and fall in games they always watched Nashy cause he never burst into flames Then one soggy christmas eve Santa came to say, "Nashy with your nose so mighty won't you drive my sleigh tonight?" Burton his little brother reindeer tugged him as he shouted out "NASHY!!!!" "Bro you big nosed reindeer...get some pizza for me!!" Love, Daddy
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Lipscomb Academy Lower School
17 artworks
grade 10
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