Brody8774's Portfolio

40 visitors
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 Lauren (Mother)
 Lauren (Mother)
 Grandpa (Grandfather)
 Gramma (Grandmother)
 Grandma (Grandmother)
... plus 5 others ...
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

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Brody, this art looks so patriotic! You drew really great people! Grandma Karen is a new member of a local chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution because she has a 5th great grandfather who is a patriot that fought in the American Revolutionary War in the late 1700s (a LONG time ago!), and I am sure my ancestors who have served in the military for our country then or more recently would love your picture like I do! Love, Grandma Karen
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Terramar School Academy Of The Arts
2 artworks
grade 13
grade 14
Personal Gallery
1 artworks
grade 13