Caitlin6137's Portfolio

50 visitors
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 A (Mother)
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Portfolio Award for 3 artworks (0 this year)

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Artist Statement (uploaded from my Mom’s phone): I loved making the felt Llama zipper pouch because I enjoyed sewing the intricate stitches and making a functional and joyful creation for my friend. This was a fun craft to do at home that I wish I could’ve shown you in person.
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20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program
Hopkins Elementary School
21 artworks
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
grade 40
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grade 41
grade 41
grade 41
grade 41
Personal Gallery
2 artworks
grade 41
grade 40