Elise3837's Portfolio

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I've long thought this work should carry the title "Portrait of a Balloon Dog." Also, I've given much thought to what it is that makes it a genuine work of art, i.e. what are it's artful characteristics. The first one is the delightful way in which the young artist poses the "dog ;" for it is posed in a spirited and lively manner. This pose works to bring life to an inanimate object. The second artful characteristic of the work is the contrast in color and texture between the background and the foregrounded "doggie." Such contrasts create a visual dynamic which coaxes a viewers eyes to restlessly oscillate back and fort between the two grounds. In my opinion Elise has created here a mini-masterpiece. -- Tom
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is donated to the school arts program
Kenrose Elementary
4 artworks
grade 52
grade 50
grade 50
grade 52