River1380's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about River1380's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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These are so beautiful.
- Gita on May 17, 2023
Fun face!!
- Gita on May 17, 2023
Way cool!!!
- Gita on May 17, 2023
Very creative!!! - Gita
- Gita on May 17, 2023
This belongs in a museum!!!
- Gita on May 17, 2023
I love those eyes! Great job!
- Gita on January 11, 2023
Hi Riv. This is the cutest My Little Kitty I've ever seen. You have really developed your art skills over the years. Super fun to watch you try things and learn. -Daddy
- James (Father) on April 10, 2021
RIVER!!! Boom! Love the various displays of texture, pattern, and color. A lot packed into a single name -- kind of like how much awesomeness and various characteristics are packed into you! Love you, Daddy Doo Doo!
- James (Father) on April 10, 2021
Those are some legit fashion designs. I also like the way you managed shades of blue. Daddy Doo Doo
- James (Father) on April 10, 2021
Eek! At first I was scared, but then realized this looks like a pretty friendly beast. Are those Bobos floating by it? Just kidding! Winks, Daddy
- James (Father) on April 10, 2021
Somehow with three simple lines you've taken a flat set of circles and rendered them with a three-dimensional depth. Cool technique! -Dad
- James (Father) on April 10, 2021
Looks like your quarantine desk! Are those left-handed scissors that won't hurt my thumb?! :) (Dad)
- James (Father) on April 10, 2021
This is too cool. Fun way to do a self-reflection. Cool hair, too! -Daddy
- James (Father) on April 10, 2021
Thanks for teaching me how to make one of these for myself. That was one of my favorite parts of that weekend. Love ya, Dad
- James (Father) on April 10, 2021
River, that picture of Scruffy captures Scruffy's personality with just a few strokes of the marker. Well-crafted coconut tree. I'm especially impressed by how you placed the sun and tree relative to Scruffy to convey the shade. Bravo!
- James (Father) on April 10, 2021
No question about this one, The Riv -- I can almost feel myself in deep space. The vivid colors contrasting against the black background create good depth and a sense of really being in space. Also, the various sizes you use for the stars and planets also create a sense of distance and perspective. Love where you placed the zooming rocket also -- by placing in the lower corner it really feels like it's moving, and its placement also helps it seem like it's flying through space, so good choice with that approach. Love ya!
- James (Father) on October 30, 2020
Hello there, River oh Riv Riv! I really dig this art. The colors are bold, which make me think of your bold personality. What I find most interesting is that this simultaneously (meaning, at the same time) makes me think of an abstract form of various shapes and also a life-like monster or animal or mask. Thanks for sharing by posting on Arsonia.
- James (Father) on October 30, 2020
Whoa! Check out the 3-D effect you achieved by layering the pencil in between the fingers and the paper. And you did a marvelous job of keeping your lines clean. Love the eraser and the metal fastener attaching the eraser to the pencil. You also made the tip of the pencil look real-deal sharpened. Special shout-out to the clever use of multiple colored fingernails. Way to go! Love you tons, kiddo!
- Daddy on May 14, 2020
Really clever picture here, River. The half-and-half animals are pretty cool, and what I find most interesting is how you used blocks of multi-directional lines to create texture and intrigue to this picture. Great imagination!
- Daddy on May 14, 2020
Hi Riv -- Daddy doo-doo here. How is it possible that a monster can be both super creepy and super cute at the same time?! I adore this critter's tongue, nose, eyes, and little feet. You added a lot of depth, movement, and interest to this picture by adding various textures and shapes. I really enjoy this picture. Love ya!
- Daddy on May 14, 2020
Just Dance! That's both fun and hilarious. I need to practice more so I can keep up with you (and Mommy, Asher, and Ainsley). My favorite part of this picture is the Nintendo controller. You got the moves!
- Daddy on May 14, 2020
Wowee-zowee, River! This is definitely a portrait of Gita. What details! The glasses, the ears, the eyebrows, the outfit, even the bottom of the hair. It's fun to watch you growing in your art skills. Love ya!
- Daddy on May 14, 2020
Hey there, River! Daddy Doo-Doo here. This piece of art caught my eye for multiple reasons, but two in particular. First, it’s neat that you focused on a good friend of yours. I see that you share through your drawing what you experience about Gracie, including her good energy, fun fashion, and her probably enjoying being outdoors. The second thing that really caught my attention is the face that you drew. It’s both interesting and talented, and I like that it differs materially from the faces that Asher and Ainsley draw, which tells me you are developing your own style. I hope you are proud of your work here. Love the picture, and also, I love you!!!
- Daddy James on February 23, 2020
Hi River. Daddy here. I find this piece of art extremely interesting. I love how you created the falling snow. It is fascinating how both your crayon snow is white, and the falling snow is white, and yet using brightness and texture you've been able to make the falling snow stand out apart from the other snow. Love the colors in the snow person. Overall, very fun picture! Love ya!
-- Daddy
- on April 22, 2019
I love your use of color. How fun! I can't wait to see more of your art - and more of you! Love you, Gita
-- Regina
- on April 22, 2019
Hi, The Riv! Daddy here again. This picture makes me think about designs and repetition. It’s fascinating to me how you found a way to use lines and colors to make so many different shapes, and yet they all make sense together. Personally, I love the row of hearts best. Love ya!
-- Daddy
- on April 22, 2019
Hi River! Daddy Doo-Doo here. This picture shows fascinating blending of color and shapes. It feels like I am back in the Smoky Mountains with you, Mommy, Asher, and Ainsley.
-- Daddy
- on April 22, 2019
Hi River. This is Daddy. This artwork really speaks to me. The colors are so bold and interesting. The texture of the picture is also striking. Love you!
-- Daddy
- on April 22, 2019
I like winter but your picture makes me miss fall leaves!
-- Gabrielle
- on December 5, 2018
Such happy and bright colors! Fun!
-- Gabrielle
- on December 5, 2018
Look at those lines! You are an artist!
-- Gabrielle
- on December 5, 2018