Federica31's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Federica31's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful work, Federica! But why do you look sad? Is it the music you hear?
- Lorenzo (dad) on January 4, 2023
I absolutely love this! What a nice little School Bus! Great job Fede!
- Lorenzo on January 4, 2023
Dear Federica, what a nice package! I know how much you love marshmallows, and I am sure this is the best!
- Lorenzo on January 4, 2023
I love your dragon, Fede! She (he?) seems very happy making all those stars.
- Lorenzo on February 27, 2021
This is so beautiful! I love it when you play the piano.
- Lorenzo on February 27, 2021
This is so pretty! Wonderful job Federica!
- Lorenzo on February 27, 2021