Katie2513's Comments (58)

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Below are comments about Katie2513's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Katie I really like it!! All the sea creatures in just red & blue!
-- Fran
- on June 19, 2013
Interesting. Didn't quite know what to make of it until I read the assignment instructions! Good job Katie!!
-- Fran
- on February 13, 2013
hey Katie -- great picture! Your mom must be proud.
-- Fran (Tia's "grandma")
- on October 3, 2012
Great picture Katie -- looks like a beach in Calfornia!! Very inviting!
-- Fran
- on September 5, 2012
Love the clay! I have never seen it as a loom. Very creative. Just in time for Valentine's Day. Good job, Katie! Sue
-- Susan
- on September 5, 2012
Katie, Another year of art. Wonderful! This is a great one to start with. I really like the colors and the composition. It reminds me of stained glass. Keep up the great work. Sue
-- Susan
- on September 5, 2012
Very interesting piece, Katie. It reminds me of something my son John made. Almost the exact same colors! I hope you have enjoyed using different methods in your art class this year. Love, Sue
-- Susan
- on September 5, 2012
Katie this is awesome! I love it! Good job. Love, Sue
-- Susan
- on April 27, 2010
WOW! I really like this one Katie. Good contrast between the blue and black. It does indeed look like it a spiral down to the center. That is hard to do. Good job! Love, Sue
-- Susan
- on April 27, 2010
Wow-great picture. Getting better all the time.
- on April 27, 2010
I really like this. When I saw the title of fall leaves, I expected browns, yellows and oranges. The color combinations make a very interesting piece. Very pleasing. Good work, Katie. Sue
- on April 27, 2010
This is a really good picture-I like the stained glass look! Love, Mary
- on April 27, 2010
Wow-this is a really cool picture! You just keep getting better evert year! Love, Mary
- on April 27, 2010
Nice, Katie! Very colorful. I like how the letters of your name connect. Good job. Sue
- on April 27, 2010
Katie - your name almost looks like it's flashing. Very vibrant and full of movement!!
- on April 27, 2010
Wow, Katie! I really like this one. Wonderful use of color. Looks like it could be on display in any church. Good job! Sue
- on September 20, 2009
Katie, It's nice to see your artwork again! I like the facial details of your drawings. Looks like you had a great summer! Sue
- on September 20, 2009
Nice job, Katie. Maybe you can hang this one in your back porch. Love, Sue
- on May 30, 2009
I really like this one Katie. Of course, I am partial to sailboats! Good expression and use of colors. Love, Sue
- on May 8, 2009
Katie - I love this and I'm so glad you learned about Monet! Very, very good! - Mom
- on May 8, 2009
I like this bowl-I would use it at my house! Another great piece of art. Mary
- on May 3, 2009
This is a cool snake! It looks like it glows in the dark. Keep up the good work! Mary
- on May 5, 2009
Hey Katie! It's been a while since we've seen a new piece. This one really catches the eye. Good job! Sue
- on May 3, 2009
Katie - this is beautiful. I love the blue (your favorate color) and the yellow accents. Very cool. - Mom
- on May 3, 2009
Katie, I love this one! It reminds me of a piece that your cousin John sculpted. Good job. Love, Sue
- on April 7, 2009
Katie, This picture reminds me of the houses we made for your mom's adoption event! I like how the shapes fit together. Very nice work. Sue
- on January 22, 2009
Katie, I love the depth I see in this piece. All the colors and different techniques you use make this a special piece.
- on January 22, 2009
This is very interesting. I like the rainbow colors and textures. Keep up the good work! Sue
- on January 22, 2009
Nice job Katie. I like the colors and the design. I like your skeleton, too! Spooky! Sue
- on January 22, 2009
Very impressive skeleton-I like all the details of the bones you painted.
- on January 22, 2009
Another great piece! I like all the hearts you drew. Mary
- on September 19, 2008
Looks like your room! Good job! Sue
- on September 19, 2008
Good job, Katie! I can see big changes in your work this year. You just keep getting better! Mary
- on September 14, 2008
I am seeing much more detail in your artwork. Nice work! It does look like "summer fun". I look forward to viewing more! Sue
- on September 7, 2008
Katie, I LOVE this one! I see the double loop roller coaster! I'm happy you had a fun summer. - Mom
- on September 7, 2008
Very different - dramatic. You've done some very colorful pieces, I like the sketch look. I have enjoyed viewing your artwork very much Katie. Sue
- on May 27, 2008
Beautiful! I wish I had an aquarium with fish like this! Sue
- on May 27, 2008
Another masterpiece! I can see each pose and how they move into the next one. Mary
- on May 8, 2008
You really captured the colorful style of Keith Harring. Good job! Keep up the good work. Sue
- on April 27, 2008
This is so cool! I like the colors you chose. Great job!
- on March 3, 2008
Nice turtle I like all the colors
- on March 3, 2008
Wow, Katie, I really like this one! The texture on his back really looks like a sea turtle. I hope your mom has this one hanging in her office!
- on February 28, 2008
I love the turtle! Karen
- on February 28, 2008
Another great picture! Van Goh would be proud!
- on February 22, 2008
Very nice work Katie. I hope you had fun creating your Van Gogh art piece.
- on February 22, 2008
Katie! Your art work is a pleasure to look at. I found myself lost in your picture. The colors you chose are vibrant. I feel happy looking at your picture.
- on February 22, 2008
Katie, This is a really good picture-I see your artistic ability getting better all the time.
- on January 7, 2008
Wonderful Katie. I really like this one. The sun with the sunglasses is cool. I like the butterflies and the hearts and stars. Who is playing by the tree?
- on December 27, 2007
This is a really good picture-it looks just like you!
- on December 10, 2007
Perfect for Halloween! I like the ribs on the skeleton. Beware of flying ghosts and bats! Good job.
- on October 27, 2007
I like the color combinations. Good job!
- on October 8, 2007
The colors in this piece really pop out at you. Looks like a happy circle of friends!
- on September 10, 2007
Katie, What a neat picture! I love the sea horse. Using your hand as the body is very creative. A bright picture! Aunt Sue
- on May 15, 2007
What a cool pot! Everything just keeps getting better! Keep up the good work.
- on May 13, 2007
I LOVE this picture-you are quite the budding artist!
- on May 1, 2007
This is really cool! Great job, Katie-love the color!
- on April 29, 2007
I really like your fancy puppet. Her red hair looks great with her shiney dress. She looks like she's dancing. Are you going to put on a puppet show?
- on April 28, 2007
You really did a wonderful job on this one. I love the cat's rainbow body. You are becoming quite an artist.
- on April 28, 2007