Sydney- Love this picture of you and Casey. You even drew your pillowcase from High School Musical. Good job! Love, Grandma -- Kathy
- on October 14, 2011
Mmmmmm, mmmmmm, yummmmmm, makes me want to run out and get a great big cool ice cream cone! Love you, Aunt Jane -- Jane
- on May 3, 2011
Oh Sydney...this looks so real...beautiful! Love you, Aunt Jane -- Jane
- on April 28, 2011
Gee, Sydney...always enjoy seeing your keep getting better and the watercolor. Love, Aunt Jane -- Jane
- on April 8, 2011
How bright and pretty! Weaving in and out...almost like braiding! Good job, Sydney! -- Jane
- on February 9, 2011
Dear Sydney, I like this picture alot! It reminds me of the great time we had at Christmas when I was visiting. Love, Aunt Jane -- Jane
- on January 5, 2011
Dear Sydney...You just keep getting better and better! This is great! See you at Christmas! Love, Aunt Jane -- Jane
- on November 21, 2010
WOW!!! Great colors and style! Very creative! Love to see all your work, Sydney. Love, Aunt Jane -- Jane
- on October 4, 2010
Hi Sydney...Love this...Great way to start out the new school year! Looking forward to seeing lots more. Love, Aunt Jane -- Jane
- on October 4, 2010
Cool artwork Syd! -- Krista
- on April 12, 2010
WOW, Sydney! I really like this one! Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Jane -- Jane
- on April 9, 2010
Hi Sydney...such pretty colors and super design! Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Jane
- on November 5, 2009
So Cool! Love this Sydney! Wish I could be there to see it in person. Love, Aunt Jane
- on November 5, 2009
Hi Sydney...Was somebody wearing these jeans when you drew on them? Ha, Ha! Very Creative Artwork! Love, Aunt Jane
- on November 5, 2009
Love this Sydney! The colors are so pretty and it reminds me of all the puzzles we did when you were visiting Uncle Joe and me in Florida! Love, Aunt Jane
- on January 13, 2009
Hi Sydney...This is so cool!...Keep up the good work!...See you soon...Love, Aunt Jane
- on October 23, 2008
Good job on your picture! Love you, Aunt Jane
- on May 28, 2008
Sydney, What a great picture. I would have recognized my precious angel anywhere. Great color lipstick too. Keep up the good work with your drawing. Love, Grandma
- on May 28, 2008
Hi all the shapes and sizes...what fun! Love, Aunt Jane
- on March 24, 2008
WOW...makes me think of this! Great job! Love, Aunt Jane
- on March 24, 2008
Hey Sydney, I really like seeing all your artwork. You do a terrific job! I love all the colors and imagination! Keep up the good work! See you soon. Love, Aunt Jane
- on October 11, 2007
Sydney, This robot is great! I thought he was going to walk out of my computer into my house. Just kidding. Keep up the good work. Love, G-Ma and G-Pa
- on April 4, 2007
Sydney, Love this picture. The colors are so pretty! Love, G-Ma and G-Pa
- on April 4, 2007
Great job on your picture! Love you, G-Ma and G-Pa