Lily15595's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Lily15595's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wonderful expression and colors! Love your work Lily! Love Grammy
- Nancy on March 4, 2020
Dear Lillie, I love the way you have included so many fun things in the snow in your artwork. You do a great job! Love Grammie
- Nancy on February 19, 2020
My dear Isabella, I love to see your artwork, your colors are so bright and beautiful, just like you are. I love you, Grammie
- Nancy on February 19, 2020
Dear Lily, I love seeing your new artwork! Your colors, as usual, are beautiful and vibrant. Keep up the good work! Love Grammy
- Grammie Nancy on November 20, 2019
Lily Grace , You Are so talented and creative. I love your choice of colors and the details. Amazing artwork!!! Love Momma
- Brenda (Mother) on October 1, 2019
Dear Lily, I like your self-portrait, but I thought you lost your two front teeth! Your self-portrait has all your teeth in the place! I love your colors! I love you, Grammy
- on September 25, 2019
Lily Grace, I love the 3d look of the trees and The animals. You love to draw animals And I love you so much!!!! Love your Momma
-- Brenda Momma
- on June 14, 2019
Dear Lily ,I like all of the animals that you have down at the foot of the white birch trees. Maybe that puppy is Jackson! I love your work , you have great imagination.
-- Grammie Nancy
- on June 28, 2019
You are my little artsy girl! Gorgeous paintings!! Love From your Momma
-- Brenda
- on May 22, 2019
WOW Lily, I love your colors and you are so creative and UI design! Good job! I love you, Grammie
-- Nancy
- on June 7, 2019
Dear Lily, I love birch trees because their white bark is so pretty! Did you know that Indians used to carve out birch trees to make canoes. I love your artwork! Grammie
-- Grammie Nancy
- on May 1, 2019
Dear Lily, The colors in your artwork make it SO bright...what a fancy donut!! Love, Grammie
-- Grammie Nancy
- on March 20, 2019
I love your colors, Lily, and it looks like bunny ears up the top, hiding behind a bear's den!!!
-- Grammie Nancy
- on March 13, 2019
Great Job! You can almost feel the cold air and smell the fresh snow. I see a rabbit in this picture, and is that Jackson too?
-- Daddy
- on February 13, 2019
Lily, I love the colors and the funny faces. I know there is a story behind each one
-- Daddy
- on February 13, 2019
I love white birches in the snow, and yours are so colorful!! What a great job! Keep up the good work!
-- Grammie Nancy
- on February 13, 2019
Oooh Lily, you have made you a white birches a little different oh, they are so pretty. I love your artwork.
-- Grammie Nancy
- on February 13, 2019
Lily, I think this is something that Van Gogh would have painted. I think you did just as good a job as him!
-- Grammie
- on December 19, 2018
Hi Lily, White birch trees are one of my favorites, and you did a really good job of painting them. I'm proud of you, I'm glad you enjoy at work.
-- Grammy
- on December 5, 2018
Hi Lily, white birch trees are one of my favorites, and you did a really good job of painting them. I'm proud of you, I'm glad you enjoy at work.
-- Grammy
- on December 5, 2018
Very pretty Lily Grace! I really like the colors you chose, and the flowers and the feather. Lots of detail. Great Job!
-- Daddy
- on December 5, 2018
Lily, You are such a talented and creative artist. You amaze me with your detail in your art and coloring. You are so unique !!! I love this painting! Love, Momma
-- Brenda
- on November 29, 2018
Dear Lily, I think it is just wonderful that you have your artwork published! I love all of the bright colors that you use, and I love your owl. Keep up the good work!
-- Grandma Nancy
- on October 31, 2018
Lily! You are an amazing, creative and unique artist. I'm so proud of you! You Are so special to Mommy ! My teeny Lily !!! Xoxoxo Momma
-- Brenda
- on October 25, 2018
Lily, This is fantastic! I love all the colors you used and all of the details. I know you love Pete the Cat and playing soccer, so this is a perfect combination. When I look at this, I think I can see that you added a ghost, a witch, Easter eggs, a necklace and a crown made of hearts and flowers. You really did a super job with this drawing. I am very proud of you.
-- Daddy
- on October 11, 2018
Lily... I love your Pete the cat! Very creative!
-- Grammie
- on October 11, 2018