Just like the Matisse cutouts we saw in Washington, DC. -- Dad
- on November 19, 2018
All your fun friends! Super Design too! I think I know who they are. I can't wait to see what is next. -- Grandma Barbara
- on November 19, 2018
Billy, we are dizzy with fun seeing the Planets and Space Mobiles in your latest drawing! We hope you will teach us all about space. We are big fans of yours! -- Grandma Barbara
- on November 19, 2018
Very Miro! -- William
- on October 18, 2018
Hi William30103! This is Grandma and I just saw your fabulous and colorful drawing that came in my email. Georgia O'Keeffe would be so happy to see your interpretation of her shell art. Shells have special strength because of their design. Your picture shows strong use of design and color! Thank you for including Grandpa and me on your list. It is so exciting to see your artwork. I can't wait to show Grandpa. -- Grandma Barbara