Max12172's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Max12172's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your artwork Max! Keep up the great work.
- Grandpa Rocky on November 10, 2021
Very cool Max!!!
- Paw Paw on September 22, 2021
Oh wow! How ever did you do this with colors? Well done, You!
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
Remarkable bird, Max!
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
Oh my goodness! Look at your Monster. He even has a heart, and it's in the perfect place. I really like this one! Super-Duper job, Max!
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
These flowers in a vase are beautiful. Fantastic job, Max!
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
This is a camel, and you have colored him in perfectly. Outstanding job, Max!
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
Hey, that's you, and your insides. I'm impressed, Max! You are outstanding.
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
This piece is so fun! I love all of the color dots. Super job, Max!
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
WOW! Look how well you drew and colored these creatures. Fantastic work, Max!
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
This piece is so COOL!! You know how your Mommy and I love Halloween! This one matches my Jeep too. This is one of my favorite drawings.
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
This is a great piece! I love all of those colors. Great job!
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
This is really good Max!
-- Grandma Laura
- on December 19, 2018