Grace723's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Grace723's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cute chippie, Goose. Is that clay base or cardboard that you painted on?
- on April 10, 2010
Hi Gracie, I just got your new posting of the 'Tower of Babel". Lovely piece of work, Goose! I'm anxious to see your next piece. Also, Congratulations on your Singing! You are always the 'Winner' in my book! Love you, Mum
- on January 30, 2007
Wow! What a masterpiece. That is fantastic! Love, Aunt Casey
- on January 25, 2007
Is this your 'Black Cat' for Holloween, Goose? Cool! I saw the white kitty this morning. It was trying to catch the birds. Have a fun Thanksgiving. Come visit.
- on November 21, 2006
Gracie, A most excellent drawing and artistic cat like artwork. Is this Luci or Nello from our kitties? You are very talented and I love your creative art pieces. Pop-Pop
- on November 21, 2006
Gracie, this came out so cute! Love it...Love Mommy.
- on November 21, 2006
Wow! Beautiful work. I love the bold colors on the black background. Can't wait to see more from you!
- on October 21, 2006
Grace, I am very proud of your first internet entry. I just remembered myself flying over the Rocky Mountains on a vacation past. Keep your creative ideas coming. Mrs. Richards
- on October 21, 2006
GrayG.... Great picture! I feel like I'm flying over the Himalayas on my way to see wonderful people and places. Or in a submersible jet propelled vehicle skimming the underwater ridges in the deepest part of the ocean and the sun is only a tiny spot of light 100's of feet above me. Great job, Gray!
- on October 21, 2006
Bravo Gracie! Your artwork is bella. It could be an airplane in the sky or a beautiful fish in the sea. An amazing and wonderful artwork. From Pop-Pop
- on October 18, 2006
Love the colors and artistic ability!
- on October 17, 2006