Wesley4944's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Wesley4944's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wesley, love these two pictures. I would love to hear how you created them.
- Grandma Tracy on October 2, 2024
That looks really cool! Did you make the lines on the deer and then cut it out? We could frame that for your room!
- Marlo (Mother) on September 26, 2024
This reminds me of the beach with the blue for water, tan/grey for wet sand, and yellow for the dry sand. The purple of course is my chair, the orange is Ben, the green is Ronnie. Is that what you were going for??? Probably not, but that's what I see. :)
- Marlo (Mother) on May 16, 2024
This is really cool! Did you draw the player or everything else first? Would you ever add color to something like this or no? I great like this, but if you did another with color I'm interested in what it would look like.
- Mom on February 14, 2024
I like this picture a lot, it has a 3D look. Great colors
- Grandma Tracy on January 24, 2024
Those are cool! Did you use watercolor and marker?
- Marlo (Mother) on January 16, 2024
This could be at that restaurant we took you too, Max's!
- Marlo (Mother) on May 30, 2023
Wow, that is really cool! What did you use to make this? paper, paint, ??
- Marlo (Mother) on January 11, 2023
Those are fun!! What did you use to make the pieces? Mom
- Marlo (Mother) on November 17, 2022
I like your leaf’s shapes and the colors are my favorite fall colors. Good job Wes.
- Grandma Tracy on November 16, 2022
That definitely looks like a cozy bed! I also enjoy your colors.
- Mom on May 4, 2022
What did you use to create this piece? Colored pencils, crayon, oils?
- Marlo (Mother) on April 12, 2022
Wow, those people look like they were difficult to cut out.
- Mom on January 1, 2022
Awesome fish!!! Love the eye and color choices you made!
- Grandma Tracy on May 26, 2021
I, of course love these colors.
- Mom on May 26, 2021
The eyes on this guy are awesome! I always struggled to draw good eyes. I can't wait to hear the story of this piece.
- Marlo (Mother) on April 27, 2021
Wow, Wes those details must have taken you a lot of time. We will have to hang this up every Easter.
- Marlo (Mother) on April 13, 2021
That's a fun rainbow!!
- Marlo (Mother) on March 11, 2021
Wow, Wes great colors and the streaks of white look like clouds. Awesome job!!
- Grandma Tracy on March 11, 2021
I knew this was the Lorax before I even read the title! Nice job!
- Mom on March 11, 2021
I love the picture with the background!
- Marlo (Mother) on February 19, 2021
Some of my favorite colors. I can't wait for you to tell me about this one. Love, Mom
- Marlo (Mother) on February 16, 2021
I like how the hearts stand out!
- Marlo (Mother) on February 10, 2021
It is so colorful!!! Can you make one that we can hang up at home??
- Mom on January 27, 2021
I love this Grinch, he looks extra mean.
- Marlo (Mother) on January 1, 2021
Nice work Buddy!
- Marlo (Mother) on December 8, 2020
I like that you did different drawing and colors to each finger. Fun, good job!
- Grandma Tracy on December 7, 2020
A different pattern for every finger, how did you come up with all of those?
- Marlo (Mother) on November 17, 2020
I like your color choices. Nice job!
- Tracy on December 7, 2020
This is really cool looking. I hope you get to bring it home for us to hang up for Thanksgiving.
- Marlo (Mother) on October 23, 2020
That is a lot of lines you had to draw!
- Marlo (Mother) on October 20, 2020
I like your color choices and eyes are awesome. Nice work! Grandma
- Grandma Tracy on December 18, 2019
He looks like a superhero with a red mask and a blue cape.
- Mom on December 4, 2019
I think the blue box the best. I think the red box must have taken a lot of concentration. I can't wait to see it in person!
- Mom on December 4, 2019
I really like the designs on your butterfly's wings. it will look really good on our magnet string.
-- Marlo
- on May 31, 2019
How did you get your orange and red critter to stay on the paper without falling off? He looks really cool. Love, Mom
-- Marlo
- on April 10, 2019
Nice job Wes!
-- Jean
- on March 13, 2019
Your lines look really fun!
-- Marlo
- on February 26, 2019
I really like your artwork Wesley! I can’t wait to see more!
-- Grandma Jean
- on February 27, 2019
Love your picture he has a great smile.
-- Tracy
- on February 27, 2019
Love the colors Wes!!
-- Marlo
- on February 27, 2019
Wesley, I love your cutting!! Your lines look so straight. Love, Mom
-- Marlo
- on February 27, 2019
Awesome job Wes??
-- Tracy
- on December 13, 2018