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Madilyn10's Comments
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Below are comments about Madilyn10's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wonderful collage! It looks like you planned very carefully just where to put everything. -- Mrs. E
- on December 9, 2009
Absolutely beautiful !!! - Dad
- on March 13, 2009
This is cool! I love how you have the different colors spiraling around one another. :-) Love, Jen
- on March 8, 2009
Hi Madilynn! I love your new picture! I'll see you soon for Christmas. Let's draw some pictures together at Grandmom's house!
- on March 8, 2009
Very cool looking! I love all of your artwork, Madilynn! Love, Jennifer
- on March 8, 2009
This is my favorite one of your trading cards. I like how the 'M' stands out against the gray background. Mrs. Eater
- on March 8, 2009
I especially like the way you made one egg peeking out from behind the basket. Mrs. Eater
- on March 8, 2009
I am really impressed with your artistic talent! Keep up the terrific work!
- on March 26, 2008
Wow, Madilynn! I'm so impressed with your artwork! I joined your fanclub so I know when more of your work is added. Love ya!
- on March 26, 2008
Another masterpiece! - Daddy
- on November 11, 2007
Great job on the drawing challenge! Keep up the good work. -- Mrs. E
- on November 4, 2007
Great work, Madilynn! You found lots of ways to fill shapes with lines in your drawing. -- Mrs. E
- on November 1, 2007
Awesome picture!!! - Daddy
- on October 30, 2007
Lovely drawing, Madilynn! I love how you drew the clouds. -- Mrs. E
- on October 28, 2007
Beautiful picture!
- on September 21, 2007