Emma41808's Comments (37)

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Below are comments about Emma41808's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Emma, here is that pretty Christmas tree that you made and gave to me for Christmas! I just love it, every time I look at it I love it more! Best present I ever got! We sure had a nice Christmas with everyone together. It was kind of strange with no snow though wasn't it? Love you bunches, Grandma Val
- Val on January 4, 2024
Dear Emma, here is that pretty Christmas tree that you made and gave to me for Christmas! I just love it, every time I look at it I love it more! Best present I ever got! We sure had a nice Christmas with everyone together. It was kind of strange with no snow though wasn't it? Love you bunches, Grandma Val
- Val on January 4, 2024
This is a very interesting picture you drew. I like it, the colors and outlining of the paint brushes are good. You have a good eye for drawing things.
- Val on November 8, 2023
I am confused Emma! This doesn't look like you drew this and I don't know who this lady is. I don't understand how this is art?
- Val on October 24, 2023
Oh Emma, this is beautiful!! You used my two favorite colors to paint a very very pretty flower. I can almost smell it! You have a talent to draw that I don't have and I hope you keep drawing all kinds of things as you grow up. Keep up the great work! I love you and your pictures! Grandma Val
- Val on May 26, 2023
This is a very busy picture with lots of stuff going on on and lots of color! I love the hearts and the color. You are doing great!
- Val on May 22, 2023
This is a great picture Emma! It makes me think that the girl is happy to play outside in the sun after a long cold winter! Keep up the good work in art.
- Val on May 22, 2023
Dear Emma, What an interesting picture you drew! So many different things to look at in it! You have a good way of working with shapes and colors.
- Grandma Val on March 8, 2023
Wow, I love this picture Emma! I can see the little fish in the wave. I think you have done a masterpiece! Keep up the terrific art, you really have a talent and I love seeing each new picture. Grandma Val
- Val on November 18, 2022
Oh Emma, this is such a great picture! It looks like the pink person is running! You did a great job of outlining and showing motion with this picture. I love it and I love watching you on your way to becoming an artist! Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see your next picture! Love you lots! Grandma Val
- Val on November 9, 2022
What a pretty flower! I hope the snow goes away soon and we can see real flowers outside! Spring flowers are something I am looking forward to! Love you, Grandma Val
- Valerie on March 10, 2022
This is really a pretty picture Emma! It looks like an angel with pink wings to me with rainbows around her. I love it! Love you, Grandma Val
- Val on February 24, 2022
What a pretty picture! You made some pretty nice columns and the pictures above them must be you with all of your birds, dogs and kitties. Very nice colors too. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see your next picture. Love you, Grandma Val
- Valerie on February 16, 2022
What a pretty picture! You made some pretty nice columns and the pictures above them must be you with all of your birds, dogs and kitties. Very nice colors too. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see your next picture. Love you, Grandma Val
- Valerie on February 16, 2022
Emma, this is a gorgeous picture! I love the face and the frills around it. The pastel colors are very pretty and I really like your use of black to divide the face from the frills around it. Makes those features stand out very well! Grandma Val
- Val on January 4, 2022
Oh Emma! What a beautiful picture! I love the way you used black to accent the different areas and the combination of colors is just so pretty! You have such a good eye for color combinations and different shapes. This picture is really a perfect one! Keep doing such great work in art class. I love your pictures soooo much. Grandma Val
- Valerie on November 22, 2021
What a pretty fall leaf picture! The trees are so pretty at this time of year and then all those pretty leaves fall off and the trees go to sleep til spring. I like the colors you chose for your leaves. Keep up the great work in art class! Love you, Grandma Val
- Valerie on October 31, 2021
Emma, I love this! Keep doing so very well in art. I am so glad to be able to see what you are doing in art! Love you, Grandma Val
- Val on April 6, 2020
Great creature Emma! I love all the different colors you used. I think it would scare me if I saw this creature in the woods. You are getting pretty good at drawing mouths! Keep drawing and you will be a good artist! Grandma Val
- Val on February 7, 2020
Great creature Emma! The colors are really perfect for this critter and I like how it looks! Keep drawing! Grandma Val
- Val on January 28, 2020
Great creature Emma! The colors are really perfect for this critter and I like how it looks! Keep drawing! Grandma Val
- Val on January 28, 2020
Great creature Emma! The colors are really perfect for this critter and I like how it looks! Keep drawing! Grandma Val
- Val on January 28, 2020
Oh what a cool creature Emma! I really like the orange face and one blue and one black ear...and only one eye! Very interesting creature! Keep drawing, you are a very cool artist and I love seeing your pictures! Grandma val
- Valerie on February 7, 2020
Oh what a cool creature Emma! I really like the orange face and one blue and one black ear...and only one eye! Very interesting creature! Keep drawing, you are a very cool artist and I love seeing your pictures! Grandma val
- Valerie on January 28, 2020
Wow, what great picture!!! I think you are my favorite artist Emma. I have lots of the pictures you drew for me on my refrigerator and I love seeing them every day. Seeing new pictures in my email is wonderful! Love you, Grandma Val
- Val on November 10, 2019
Very Picasso like. He was a famous abstract artist, Emm. I love your use of colors. Love you. Pay attention in class and enjoy art time.
- Grandma Brown on September 30, 2019
It's a new school year already and you are a big first grader Emma! How nice to see your newest picture in my email. Keep making beautiful pictures so I can see them in my email! You are getting to be a good artist. Grandma Val
- Val on September 30, 2019
Great alphabet picture Emma! You are quite a good artist and I love getting to see the beautiful pictures you draw. Keep up the greatcwork!
-- Val
- on April 12, 2019
Hi Emma this person looks pretty happy! Great job! Grandma Val
-- Val
- on March 6, 2019
Your quilt picture is very pretty! I would like to have a quilt like this on my bed! Grandma Val
-- Val
- on March 6, 2019
Hey Emma what a wonderful polar bear picture!!! Are you studying polar bears? They are sooo big, not like the black Bears that we see on the bear videos that you watch with me. It was so cool to see how well you drew the polar bear! I'm so happy to know that your school teaches about bears! Tell your teacher to Google "North American Bear Center" and then she can see the bear videos that you and I watch. Maybe she could show your whole class one of the videos too. Keep up the great artwork! Love you, Grandma Val
-- Val
- on January 20, 2019
And a beautiful bird picture too!! What a great artist you are becoming! I love seeing the pictures you Draw. Keep drawing! Love, Grandma Val
-- Val
- on January 20, 2019
Hey Emma what a wonderful polar bear picture!!! Are you studying polar bears? They are sooo big, not like the black Bears that we see on the bear videos that you watch with me. It was so cool to see how well you drew the polar bear! I'm so happy to know that your school teaches about bears! Tell your teacher to Google "North American Bear Center" and then she can see the bear videos that you and I watch. Maybe she could show your whole class one of the videos too. Keep up the great artwork! Love you, Grandma Smith
-- Val
- on January 20, 2019
Birdies are chirping! Very pretty Emma!
-- Ann
- on January 20, 2019
Dear Emma, If the dinosaurs came back I bet they would be surprised to see people and cars and houses everywhere! It would be a big surprise to all of us to look out our window and see a dinosaur too! I love how you made the people in your picture have big smiles when they see the dinosaurs and the way you drew the dinosaurs is excellent. They have such long necks and tails just like we think they looked. I love getting to see your pictures and see that you are becoming a very good artist. Each new picture is better than the last! Love, Grandma Val
-- Val
- on November 15, 2018
What a great leaf picture! The purple and black colors are beautiful together and we just love how well you did the leaf outline. It would be funny to see a real tree with purple leaves I think! You are a good artist Emma. It's very nice to be able to see how well you are doing with your art class. Can't wait for your next picture. Love you bunches, Grandpa Val, Grandpa Warren and Uncles Erin and Shawn
-- Val
- on October 25, 2018
Oh Emma, your art is beautiful! We love how you used your shapes and colors and the picture you drew of yourself is wonderful! What big smile you have! Keep smiling and keep up the great artwork. Grandpa and I love seeing what you're doing in school and so do Uncle Erin and Uncle Shawn. We can't t wait to see more! We love you bunches, Grandma Val and Grandpa Warren
-- val
- on October 8, 2018