Brenna2278's Comments (50)

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Below are comments about Brenna2278's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Don't want to eat an orange that looks that good. Orange is your favorite color. Nice, Grandma Lavonne
- Lavonne on May 22, 2024
Yummy looking Orange. It looks almost good enough to eat. You have done great work all year....very proud of you!!!
- Grandpa Roe on May 15, 2024
Very cool. Looks like a Spiders web to me.
- Grandpa Roe on March 20, 2024
Woah!! This is AMAZING!!
- Amy on March 13, 2024
Brenna, Very cool, like the different shades of blue. Grandma Lavonne
- Grandma Lavonne on March 13, 2024
Looks really good Brenna. I like some of the colors you used in the square blocks. They really jump off the page.
- Grandpa Roe on February 21, 2024
I made a keychain out of this one!!
- Amy on February 21, 2024
This is so unique!! I love the colors!!!
- Amy on February 21, 2024
What a beautiful piece of art! Definitely something to be shown and be proud of!!
- Amy on February 21, 2024
Very nice Brenna.....the project was titled color, and you did a great job with colors. Also, I like the wheel in the middle.
- Grandpa Roe on February 7, 2024
This looks really good. Nice job!! This is one of best pieces of art work that I think you have done.
- Grandpa Roe on January 10, 2024
This is absolutely beautiful!! Love it!!!
- Amy on January 10, 2024
Looks like all that stuff is what's inside your desk. Very nice!!
- Grandpa Roe on November 8, 2023
I'm not sure what this is, but it looks pretty wild. As usual, your are pretty creative...........
- Grandpa Roe on October 25, 2023
That is a VERY beautiful flower. I could see a vase filled with these and sitting on our kitchen table or in the living room. Nice Job !!
- Grandpa Roe on May 31, 2023
I love your artwork Brenna!! Beautiful!!! Keep up the wonderful work!!
- Aunt Amy on May 17, 2023
Looks like lots of waves crashing on shore. What kind of fish live in your ocean?
- Grandpa Roe on May 10, 2023
Very Nice Brenna. Looks like the sun will be setting pretty soon. I like a pretty sunset, but I also like a pretty sunrise.
- Grandpa Roe on May 3, 2023
Brenna, the colors you chose are cool and calm. I like this so much I want to have it enlarged and hang it on a wall in a room in my house. Great artwork!! Grandma Lavonne
- Lavonne on March 15, 2023
Hi Brenna. Pretty wild colors. When I was a kid, my favorite color was purple. Even my motorcycle I had in high school was part purple. Great memories.
- Grandpa Roe on March 15, 2023
This is VERY cool Brenna. I really like the way the colors blend together in your design.
- Grandpa Roe on November 30, 2022
First one of the new year.....looks like you are off to a great start
- Grandpa Roe on November 2, 2022
Hi Brenna. Love your use of colors in this project. Very cool. Very Bright. Also, some very wavy curves....or maybe I should say some very curvy waves. Either way, I like it. Grandpa Roe
- Grandpa Roe on April 6, 2022
Hi Brenna. This looks like a pretty cool project. Did you have fun making it? You sure do a lot of different projects. Perhaps you can tell me how you made this when we come out for Easter.... Grandpa Roe
- Grandpa Roe on March 16, 2022
I think that must be Mom & Dad and your sister on the top of the building......I hope they are not scared of heights. Good Job Brenna
- Grandpa Roe on February 17, 2022
Oh Brenna, Looks like Mom, Dad, Allie and you! Very nice. Lavonne
- Lavonne on February 17, 2022
Brenna, when did you find time to travel to Egypt? I've never seen one of these close up, but I bet it's kind of scary. Is there a Mummy in there?? If so, don't tell anyone as "MUM'S " the word..
- Grandpa Roe on December 26, 2021
Is this a friendly Dragon? A mean Dragon? A fire breathing dragon? Perhaps a pet Dragon? If he is a friendly Dragon, I'd like to meet him. If he is a mean Dragon, he is NOT invited to Christmas. If he is a fire breathing Dragon, I have some burgers on the grill he could help with. And if he is a friendly Dragon, let's get a leash on him and take him for a walk with Bernie.... Nice job Brenna!
- Grandpa Roe on December 4, 2021
Hi Brenna, some of these colors are just as bright and beautiful as the leaves that are falling from the trees right now. Good Job...
- Grandpa Roe on November 4, 2021
Hi Brenna.....I'm not certain, but I think we saw a monkey that looked Like this at the zoo on Sunday. He was just swinging through the trees. Lucky monkey
- Grandpa Roe on October 7, 2021
Brenna, Of course, it looks symmetrical, it's the same on each side. Imagine it as an amoeba growing in a petri dish or something spooky with eyes. Great piece of art.
- Lavonne on October 7, 2021
Brenna, Your tiger is grrreat! Do you know what that saying is from? Here is a hint. It's something you eat for breakfast. Can you tell me what it is?
- Grandma Lavonne on April 1, 2020
That is one WILD looking Tiger, but he looks friendly. I don't think I'd be scared if I ran in to him in the woods.
- Grandpa Roe on April 1, 2020
I have to say I LOVE your LOVE. It looks really cool. I especially like that you made a design inside each letter. Great idea.
- Grandpa Roe on February 19, 2020
LOVE your artwork, Brenna! This would make a great card for Valentines day. Grandma Roe
- Grandma Roe on February 19, 2020
I'm glad this is a surreal creature as it would be pretty scary if it was alive. That is a might BIG head. Do you think it is smart? Lots of room for brains in that BIG head. Nice Job Brenna!!
- Grandpa Roe on January 29, 2020
Hi Brenna. Since I never heard of James Rizzi, I had to turn on the computer and let Google show me. You've done a great job here. Your art work looks a lot like Mr. Rizzi's. Very Cool!!! Maybe you can tell me more about this artist next time we see each other. Grandpa Roe
- Grandpa Roe on November 13, 2019
Brenna, This is very unique. Can you tell me about James Rizzi architecture?
- Lavonne on November 13, 2019
Sunflowers are one of Grandma Roe's favorite. I'm going to plant some for her next spring and you can see them when you come to visit.
- Grandpa Roe on October 16, 2019
Very nice Brenna. This really looks like a picture of you , because just like you, she is smiling...something you do most of the time. Love the picture!
- Grandpa Roe on October 11, 2019
WOW!! That is the brightest alphabet I've ever seen. Nice work Brenna! I bet you can make some colorful words out of those letters.
-- Grandpa Roe
- on April 3, 2019
Brenna. It looks like a happy family on your quilt. I know someone who is always happy and that someone is you.
- on March 6, 2019
Pretty bright colors on this picture and it looks like someone is enjoying the sunshine. As cold as it is, I hope he sunshine will warm things up some.
-- Grandpa Roe
- on March 6, 2019
Brenna, grandma and I simply love your bird. Such pretty colors. We remember that you like the color orange. Very Nice!!
-- Grandpa Roe
- on January 30, 2019
Wow, what a bear. He is smiling, so I assume he is a nice bear. Very nice Brenna.....good job.
-- Grandpa Roe
- on January 16, 2019
Brenna, Like your robot. We counted more than 20 shapes. Way to go!
-- Lavonne
- on December 26, 2018
Brenna, If dinosaurs came back, I hope their not hungry.
-- Lavonne
- on November 7, 2018
Dear Brenna, Fall is the time of year when the leaves turn color. You have so many colorful leaves in your artwork. Good job!
-- Lavonne
- on October 17, 2018
This little girl looks like Brenna, happy and smiley. Lavonne
-- Lavonne
- on October 10, 2018
Some squares are red, some squares are blue, we like your artwork and the yellow, too. Lavonne
-- Lavonne
- on October 10, 2018