Anna21479's Comments (70)

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Below are comments about Anna21479's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This artwork is very well drawn, but it makes me dizzy to look at it! It is very well done. I'm so proud of all of your artwork - keep up the good work!
- Great Gramdma Jane on December 26, 2024
Anna, this artwork is very interesting and such a good choice of colors. Your choice of design on top of the colors is very attractive to the piece. Keep up the good work.
- Great Gramdma Jane on December 26, 2024
I love your flying goose! You picked great colors. It’s so cute!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on December 26, 2024
I really like this “Sky” picture. Interesting use of shapes. It reminds me of a Mario video game. You have such a great concept of art. I’m very proud of you!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on November 28, 2024
WOW! This is beautiful, Anna. I love the colors and the way the message is blended in with them. It looks like a window in a church. You are doing so well in your artwork - I look forward to your new creations.
- Great Grandma Jane on November 28, 2024
I love everything about this! The message and the colors are beautiful!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on November 20, 2024
I love this! You know how I love the ocean and the color blue. You have such great lines and colors. Great job!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on November 20, 2024
Anna, I really like this new artwork. It shows the maturity of your thinking. I'm so proud of everything you do. Keep up the good work.
- Great Grandma Jane on November 7, 2024
I love your preppy self!!!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on October 30, 2024
Anna, I love your turtle! You did an excellent job on it. You just keep getting better and better! I am so very proud of you and how well you are doing in Art class, as well as your other classes. Keep up the good work, sweetheart!
- Jane on April 24, 2024
I LOVE your artwork!!! You used many different bright colors which I really like. Your fish is amazing! Great job!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on March 10, 2024
Anna - You did an excellent job on this artwork! You used so many different colors and balanced the picture very well. There are such cute features over the entire picture. Good job - keep up the good work.
- Great Grandma Jane on March 10, 2024
That looks pretty interesting! Was it hard to do that? Pretty cute fish!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on March 10, 2024
Anna, I really like your new artwork. You used such vibrant colors that look very nice together. You are doing such a good job in art class and I am very proud of you. Keep up the good work!
- Jane on November 1, 2023
Wow! That’s a pretty cool and unique fish! I love it!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on October 11, 2023
Anna - I really like your striped fish! The combination of colors that you used blend very nicely. You are doing such great work and I'm very proud of you.
- Great Grandma Jane on October 11, 2023
I love your owl! He, or she, is very beautiful!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on May 17, 2023
Anna - that is the most beautiful picture of an owl that I've ever seen. You did an outstanding job with the colors and everything! I am so proud of you and love to see all of your artwork. Keep up the great work!
- Great Grandma Jane on May 17, 2023
Sweet Anna - This drawing is a little different from some of your other artwork. But, I like it because, it shows what I think is someone doing pullups! You did a wonderful job on it. Keep up the good work.
- Great Grandma Jane on April 5, 2023
Anna - This will be my second comment on your hot air balloon. It is an awesome picture and I'm very proud of all of your artwork. Keep up the good work.
- Great Grandma Jane on April 5, 2023
Dear sweet Anna, This hot air balloon picture is awesome! All of your pictures have been great, but you are showing a lot of improvement with this one. I am so proud of you - keep up the good work!
- Great Grandma Jane on April 5, 2023
I love your hot air balloon! It’s so colorful and bright!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on March 22, 2023
Sweet Anna, you did an excellent job on this picture. I love all the colors and shapes. You have really improved in your artwork. Keep up the good work.
- Great Grandma Jane on January 4, 2023
Wow! I really like this! You used really pretty colors! Beautiful space and rocket!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on December 28, 2022
Anna, I love this picture of the leaves. You did a very special job on this picture and should be very proud of your work. I am very proud of you. Keep up the good work. Great Grandma Jane
- Great Grandma Jane(fan) on November 9, 2022
This picture is perfect! I like your attention to detail! Beautiful!!!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on November 9, 2022
Oh, Anna, I just love your elephant! You did an awesome job with the colors and everything is so neat. The outline adds a lot to your picture, too. The elephant's ankle bracelets are very neat, also! I've really enjoyed seeing your artwork.
- Jane on June 22, 2022
Excellent elephant! I love all the colors!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on May 11, 2022
Dea Anna, This girl has a very colorful face, but I wonder if she has a case of special measles! Good work - keep it up.
- Great Grandma Jane(fan) on April 6, 2022
Dear Anna, You did a very good job on your tiger picture. It looks like a friendly tiger that I wouldn't mind meeting in the jungle! Keep up the good work.
- Great Grandma Jane(fan) on April 6, 2022
I love this picture! You did such a great job and I love all of the different colors!
- Grandma P on March 30, 2022
Anna - You did an excellent job on this picture. I really like all the different colors you used. The yummy things all look very tempting! I ordered a mousepad with this picture on it, be sure to look for it when you come to visit. Keep up the good work!
- Great Grandma Jane on February 23, 2022
I love this picture! It has my favorite things! It is making me hungry!
- Grandma (blue house) on February 16, 2022
Anna, I really like your latest artwork. You are definitely creative and will have a lot of wonderful artwork to share with us!
- Great Grandma Jane on December 29, 2021
Anna, This picture is so colorful and bright that I really like it. You have so many different things pictured in it, that it's an interesting picture. The musical notes filled in the spaces nicely. Great job, sweetheart!!
- Jane on November 3, 2021
Anna, this is one of my favorites - the colors are so well blended and the shape of your drawing is perfect. I'm so proud of all of your artwork and I'm proud of you for being you! Love you
- Great Grandma Jane on November 3, 2021
Anna, I'm so proud of you and all of the beautiful artwork you have done. I'm afraid the girl in this picture, has a rare form of chicken pox, but she is beautiful. Keep up the good work, when you are back in art class. Love you
- Jane on April 1, 2020
Very cute picture!!! You made a very good picture!!!
- Grandma P.(in The Blue House) on March 25, 2020
I'm happy that my Great Granddaughter is a good artist. On this picture, I especially like the dog and the cat and rabbit in the windows. (That's what they look like to me - is that right?) Love you
- Jane on March 25, 2020
Anna - All of your pictures are beautiful, and I really like the snowman. Everything is in the right place and I think the drawings around the snowman are awesome. Keep up the good work. I am so proud of you and your artistic ability. Great Grandpa would be very proud, also.
- Jane on March 25, 2020
I LOVE your snowman picture! You sure did a super job!
- Grandma P.(in the blue house) on February 7, 2020
Anna - you just keep getting better and better. I love this one, too, very creative. Keep up the good work. I'm always anxious to see your next art work!!
- Jane on February 7, 2020
Sweetheart - This is very cute, but it's teeth look very sharp. You did a great job on this one. I'm so proud of you!
- Jane on February 7, 2020
That is beautiful! I love all of your artwork!
- Grandma in the blue house on February 7, 2020
Oh sweetheart - I love this artwork! There is so much detail and you did an awesome job on all of it. Keep up the good work. I'm so proud of you!
- Jane on February 7, 2020
Your picture is so cute! You did a great job! Love, Grandma in the blue house.
- Debbie on December 11, 2019
Anna, This is so adorable!!! It makes me smile!!! I love it!!! Love, Grandma in the blue house
- Debbie on December 11, 2019
That’s beautiful!!! I like your choice of colors!!!
- Debbie on November 27, 2019
Anna - you still have your artistic touch. I like the color combinations you used in this painting. Keep up the good work, sweetheart! Great Grandma loves you.
- Jane on November 27, 2019
Anna, That is a really nice picture! Did you know that your Great Grandpa H.’s name was Elmer??!!
- Grandma In the blue house on October 15, 2019
Anna, I just LOVE your butterfly! You used beautiful colors!
- on October 15, 2019
You did a great job with all of the circles! I like all the colors and the circles in a circle!
-- Grandma P
- on June 5, 2019
Anna, your circles are great and I really like the combination of colors you used. Great Grandma is very, very proud of you!
-- Jane
- on June 5, 2019
Anna, this is still my favorite, but I'm looking forward to your next artwork.
-- Great Grandma Jane
- on June 5, 2019
This is the absolute best!!!!!
-- Jane
- on April 4, 2019
Sweetheart - just when I think the one before is the best you have done, you surprise me with this awesome picture! I'm very, very proud of you!
-- Jane
- on April 4, 2019
Anna! Your flower is beautiful! I just love it, and you! Love, Grandma in the blue house
-- Debbie
- on April 4, 2019
Oh Anna, this is your best one yet!! So very colorful and nothing outside the lines!! Bravo to you, precious Great Granddaughter. I am so very proud of you and your talent.
-- Jane
- on March 8, 2019
The little buildings across the picture add a special touch to your artwork and the trees have very straight trunks, which means they are reaching for the sun! Another good job, sweetheart, I'm very proud of you!
-- Jane
- on March 8, 2019
Anna, you use several colors in this artwork and that makes it very pretty. Your lines are straighter than I could make them! Keep up the good work!
-- Jane
- on March 8, 2019
I really like this picture, because it looks like you are drawing your family. ! I'm anxious to see your next drawing, because I know it will be wonderful like all of them you have drawn so far. Great Grandma is very, very proud of you, Anna!
-- Jane
- on March 8, 2019
Wow! This must have taken you a long time! I love it! Love, Grandma in the blue house.
-- Debbie
- on March 4, 2019
Anna, you are doing such a great job with your artwork and I like all of them. They are so colorful and I imagine you have a story about each of them. I am very proud of you and I know that Great Grandpa would be very proud, also.
-- Jane
- on March 4, 2019
Anna, I am so proud of you! I can see that you are improving with each picture. Great Grandpa would be very proud of you, also. Love you.
-- Jane
- on March 4, 2019
Your penguin is adorable! I love its ear muffs!!! Love, Mommy
-- Julie
- on February 20, 2019
Beautiful colors!!! Love, Mommy
-- Julie
- on February 20, 2019
This is the cutest owl I’ve ever seen! Love you, Mommy
-- Julie
- on February 20, 2019
I LOVE your penguin! You did a fantastic job! Love you!
-- Grandma in the blue house
- on February 20, 2019
Great job on your art! I love it! Keep up the good work!!!
-- Grandma Parker
- on February 20, 2019
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