I can tell you really worked hard on this one and it tuned out GREAT! Way to go, sweet girl
- Rebekah (Mother) on November 6, 2020
I think Peyton is very talented and has a great understanding of things she creates.
- Ronnie on November 6, 2020
Peyton you are very talented and you surprise Pop Pop with your imagination.
- Ronnie on September 22, 2020
PopPop thinKS you are a great artist
- Ronnie on December 25, 2019
PopPop thinKS you are a great artist
- Ronnie on December 25, 2019
PopPop thinKS you are a great artist.
- Ronnie on December 25, 2019
PopPop thin
- Ronnie on December 25, 2019
Hey Sweet Girl!!! Wow! The penguin is awesome!! No one had to tell me what it was because I could tell!! I love all the details you added! The scarf coordinates with the toboggan perfectly! And speaking of the toboggan... the details are amazing! Girl, you rocked this art work!!! I can't wait to see more!!! I love you!! GiGi
- GiGi on December 19, 2019
It's so colorful and pretty!! Great job, sweet one. Keep up the good work!! Love, Momma