Corebin1's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Corebin1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I have watched Corebin grow through his artwork. You can see he is very imaginative.
- Susan on February 26, 2020
- Susan on February 26, 2020
His art keeps getting better.
- Aaron (Father) on February 18, 2020
I'd love to see more artwork through Artsonia.
- Aaron (Father) on February 18, 2020
I love this one... It's so abstract
- Aaron (Father) on February 18, 2020
It's really fun to watch how his artwork changes and grows as he does.
- Aaron (Father) on October 15, 2019
It is nice to see Corebin interested in things that people usually dislike.
- Susan (Nana) on November 13, 2019
Great job, Corebin.
-- Susan
- on September 4, 2019
Love the artwork! Lots of different colors and design.
-- Susan(Nana)
- on April 17, 2019