mackenzie559's Comments (110)

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Below are comments about mackenzie559's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love it Kenzie.
- on October 2, 2009
HI sissy! nice eevil dark pic nice use of red
- on August 27, 2009
I like you shading. I think you are really working on your art. I would like to see it in person. My eyesight is getting worse and I want to see all I can as well as I can for as long as I can. Keep up the good work. Love, Great Grandmother Marilyn Charlyne
- on August 30, 2008
Wow! I really like that! Good job!
- on August 27, 2008
It is good to see you are still painting. I think it is good that you are continuing your studies. I am proud of you. I like this painting, quirky. Love, Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne Petrauskas
- on August 26, 2008
The coloring on this project is wonderful. The way they blend together but still keep their contrast is great.
- on August 21, 2008
- on August 21, 2008
This one kinda reminds me of Gloria. Similarities. Good work.
- on May 5, 2008
I hope this goes through. I wrote one comment and it was in the wrong place. I really like your skin tones in this. Would like to see it up close. You seem to keep improving. I am proud of you. Love, Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on April 28, 2008
Something is wrong here. I have received the same art work on three different e-mails. I wrote you on another one that I couldn't get a clear picture. You must remember that your great grandmother had eye problems and can't see details on some things. But keep on painting. love, Great Grandmotehr
- on March 25, 2008
Mackenzie I can't get a very clear picture of your painting so I don't know what to say. It must lose something on the monitor. When you look at the really small pics it almost looks like a face, but when I see the enlargement I need you to explain it to me. Glad to see that you are working on your art. Love, Great Grandmother Charlyne
- on March 25, 2008
I got your new art work. I am a person who always wants the art work to be bright and pretty. But life is not always bright and pretty so I realize we need to have the darker side of life portrayedl Just recently the famous painting "Scream" was in the news, and that wasn't a happy piece of art, it was even a very famous and expensive one. Love, Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on February 15, 2008
I don't know what to say about this piece of art. Is it molded and painted over. Can't tell from the photo. Glad you are working on it. You are getting highlights and shadows well. Love, Great Grandmother
- on February 12, 2008
How cool. You're the art! -Jennifer
- on February 5, 2008
Your shadings have really improved. I am proud of you. Your Great Grandmother MarilynCharilyne
- on February 3, 2008
This was a very interesting painting. How did you choose what to paint"? Did you study about Mardi Gras or just about New Orleans? Did Linda tell you about when your mother was little and she lived in New Orleans? You are showing a lot more thought in your composition. I am proud of you. Love, GreatGrandmother Marilyn Charlyne
- on January 13, 2008
I hope you took time to enjoy Christmas. Did you paint a ll during the break. I missed seeing you. Love, Great Grandmother Marilyn Charlyne
- on December 31, 2007
What is the background of this picture. It is very interesting and I think as far as your shadows and hi-lights are very nice. Keep up the good work. I hope your will bring your paintings to Linda's if you are going to be there at Christmas. Maybe I can see how you work, I would like that. Love, Great Grandmother
- on December 22, 2007
I like this picture very much. You are really putting a lot of effort in your work and it is paying off. Love, Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on December 5, 2007
I'm glad to see you are still working on your art. I can't tell from the screen, but did you use pastels, watercolor or oil? I look forward to seeing your art work in person. Love, Great Grandmother Charlyne
- on December 1, 2007
Your pumpkin looks nice. Did you have fun carving it> Did everyone in your class do you? If so, I bet that was something. Thank you for sending me your art work. I am proud of you. Love, Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on November 20, 2007
Dear Mackenzie, You are getting better all the time. I think your body proportions are the best you have done. Keep up the good work. Love, Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on November 13, 2007
I tried to send a message earlier and it would not go through. don't know what I missed, so I am trying again. Glad you are working hard. Doing a good job. You must have a very good teaher. Love, Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on November 6, 2007
Cool Mohawk guy. Your use of shading is improving!
- on November 2, 2007
I just opened the newest artwork and again it was a little dark but it looked like you got very good proportions fir the fugyre. I look forward to seeing all your art work in person instead of the dark pictures that come through. I am still proud of you, keep up the good work. Love, Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on October 14, 2007
I see you have really been working. It was nice to see all the fall colors in your painting. I need this picture on the fabric I use for my flags and banners that I show outside. I will see how large a print I can get, or is that illegal to have a print of it. Let me know please. You are doing a fine job. Love from your Great Crandmother Marilyn Charlyne.
- on October 11, 2007
These are very good. I am glad that you are continuing to develop your artistic ability. I enjoy getting to see your artwork.
- on October 11, 2007
I like your new drawing. You surely do try different techniques don't you? I was interested in how you do the painting that was marked "Ink blogs". Do you do the tie-dying in your class or at home. My quilting group had a session of dying fabrics, but NOT tie dye, just dying and we did the class outside. You are really learning a lot of things. I am proud of you. Love, Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on October 11, 2007
Mackenzie, I had no idea how much art work you had done. When I saw all these I realized I have certainly missed some of them. You are doing a wonderful job. I am proud that you are staying with it. And especially how nice to see all the awards you have received. I am going to try to print them all off. I have a new printer, but it keeps telling me I am out of ink. But, I will print as many as I can and make a folder of my own. Good work, Great Grandmother Charlyne
- on October 6, 2007
Like the colors kido. Very, very interesting. Details great!!!
- on September 30, 2007
great use of radial balance, a very beautiful picture
- on September 25, 2007
Omg! I Love This!
- on September 25, 2007
very nice work!!!
- on September 17, 2007
Thanks for continuing to send prints of your pictures. I enjoy seeing your work. I know your teacher must be proud of you. Love, GreatGrandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on September 14, 2007
Mackenzie I am glad you are still working on your art. I am sorry to say that I am not getting a very good picture, I just have a rusty red column with no details. Since your teacher is putting it on the site I am sure she is proud of you. I would like to see the original. I want to come see you one of these days and see all your new work. Love, GreatGrandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on September 14, 2007
I like the detail in the wings.
- on September 11, 2007
this looks fabulous..... the colors are wonderful.... like a rainbow.....
- on September 11, 2007
I am not sure what this is, but it is cool. Looks like your floor and a couch not sure what the tower is. Awsome Kenze...
- on September 9, 2007
That's cool!
- on September 8, 2007
I love this picture of Kaitlyn. This looks just like her. Great job Kenzie... Christie
- on September 3, 2007
Is this one that you created on your own? It turned out good. Those are my favorite trees... Christie
- on September 3, 2007
Very interesting, cant wait to see more. Christie
- on September 3, 2007
The details are great. You are getting better with every picture. Christie
- on September 3, 2007
Wow Mackenzie, you go girl these are better than ever. Christie
- on September 3, 2007
awww! i love it!
- on August 31, 2007
wonderful work, keep going!
- on August 31, 2007
this is beautiful. i love the use of color in the sky.
- on August 31, 2007
That is so pretty! I love the colors. I like the moon.
- on August 24, 2007
The picture was still dark but from what I can see I think it is the best you have done. I like the proportions of where you placed the eyes, nose and mouth and chin. Very nice. Love, Great Grandmother Charlyne
- on April 16, 2007
This is just simply exquisite!!! The detail in the hair is amazing. It looks like I could just touch her hair. Nice work Kenzie. Christie
- on April 16, 2007
The picture came through so dark I can barely make out hair and a chin. Would like to see it in person. I am glad to see your work each time it comes through. Love, Greatgrandmother Charlyne
- on April 11, 2007
I am glad to see your art work. I had missed seeing what you were doing. I am glad to see that you are still working with it. Keep up the good work. Love, Great Grandmother Charlyne
- on April 9, 2007
Mackenzie you are really doing well. I am proud of you.Keep up the good work. I bet you must be the hardest working student in your class. The teacher must be really proud of you. Great Grandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on February 5, 2007
Great job in this one. I like it. Good luck on your audition tomorrow! -Jennifer
- on February 3, 2007
I see Abby right...Christie
- on January 8, 2007
Love the ripples...
- on January 8, 2007
It is nice to see the art work you are doing. Keep up the great work.
- on January 8, 2007
You must have worked hard over your Christmas break. This new picture is nice. I just wish I could see them in person so I could get a better sense of the colors. I think they get lost when they are sent to some monitors like mine. Keep up the good work. Love, GGrandmother Charlyne
- on January 6, 2007
This picture came through much better, but still pretty dark with not a good definition of object outline. You seem to be using your Christmas holiday to be working on your art. Keep up the good work. Love, GGrandmother MarilynCharlyne
- on December 29, 2006
Thank you for thinking of me but the picture did not come through. You see a very tiny change of color, but it just did not come through. Just a brown box. I am hoping to come to see you one of these days and maybe then I will see it like it should be seen. I like the Christmas Card you all sent. Love, GGrandmother
- on December 27, 2006
These are very good. Hope you can do some more over the holidays.
- on December 26, 2006
Good, you named one. I think this is the best one yet. You must really be working hard. What does the teacher talk to you about. I can see you improving all the time. She must relate to you. love, Great Grandmother Charlyne
- on December 2, 2006
This are very good. You continue to do interesting pieces.
- on December 1, 2006
It was so cool to see your artwork in person- but they look great on the computer too! -Jennifer
- on November 30, 2006
I have a new favorite :)... I love the detail and the color this is just simply outstanding. Love you Christie
- on November 30, 2006
Just a great portrait. Again I think you captured it and the detail is just great. Good going Kenz...Christie
- on November 30, 2006
I love the ripples this is just marvelous.
- on November 30, 2006
This is lovely. I cant say enough about the details. I wish I could draw like this. Kenzie you really have something special...Christie
- on November 30, 2006
This one is precious. It reminds me of my sister Denise when she was young. You really captured the moment!!!
- on November 30, 2006
Just beautiful. When do I get an original? I like the drapery of the clothing!!!
- on November 30, 2006
Kenz they just keep getting better!!! I like all of your piece's. The background in this one shows depth and really adds to the vase...
- on November 30, 2006
My roommate says your work is really really good.
- on November 29, 2006
Mackenzie you should try to think up a name of for your pictures, or maybe number them, and then when I want to talk about one I could say the number or try to describe it. Of course this one would be easy. Do you like to do bodies or faces best? Or do you like stilllife. Did you look at the pictures handing in the entry way. You can see he paints roses, violets, mum. daisy, etc. But each of the pictures that are framed, not the china that is everywhere from the mantle, were each from a different teacher at a different school. So, I just wondered what you like best or are you still experimenting. I am proud of you and tell my friends about you. Keep up the good work.
- on November 21, 2006
These new pieces are great!
- on November 16, 2006
Love it.-Mom
- on November 16, 2006
Mackenzie I am so proud of you. You just keep working without anyone pushing you, just because you like to. Keep up the good work. I see I have another message from you but I am very much behind on my mail. I've had to go out of town and will also maybe be going to OKC Friday. Linda talked about coming down so I may stay here because sometimes she comes on Friday night, not Saturday. Anyway, you are doing so nicely. Love, Grandmother Charlyne
- on November 16, 2006
I love this one. It looks like the dove is saying "Come fly away with me". Just beautiful
- on November 11, 2006
It's nice to see you have another painting on the web. I really enjoyed you when you came down. I wish it were closer so we could see each other more. Great-Grandmother Charlyne
- on November 7, 2006
You have amazing talent Mc Kenzie, and what a wonderful career you can pursue when you graduate from high school. Keep up the good work!!!!!! Love you Grandmother Mary
- on November 7, 2006
You continue to get better and better. I am very proud of your artwork, and of you as my grand daughter. These are wonderful. Look forward to seeing you, and your artwork.
- on November 7, 2006
I'm glad you are having another picture added to you portfolio. Your teacher must be pleased for you. Keep up the good work. Love, Great Grandmother Charlyne
- on November 6, 2006
I really love love love your use of colors. You got some skills:) much love-aunt karen
- on November 6, 2006
The colors are nice and moody.
- on November 6, 2006
Mackenzie continues to grow as an artist. I would encourage her to pursue the portraits and still life, and to look into other forms of art in clay, textiles, glass and glass stain. I will continue to watch her develop this skill. She is very talented. Let her see that pursuing academics is paramount to success in this medium. Love you, grandmother.
- on October 28, 2006
The baby drawing brings a smile to my face. The angel is very interesting. I like that the perspective is from the back. -aunt karen
- on October 19, 2006
You are really good at doing the detail of hair and capturing different expressions. aunt karen
- on October 19, 2006
She continues to grow in her artistic ability. Good work. Continue to create wonderful works of art.
- on October 17, 2006
What wonderful talent you have Mackenzie. You really caught some very good features of your grandfather. He would be proud.
- on October 17, 2006
She has a great expression!
- on October 17, 2006
Baby Mackenzie!-Mom
- on October 15, 2006
Mackenzie-I think this is a great picture. You are doing a wonderful job. I am really impressed.-Love you, Mom
- on October 14, 2006
That looks like your dad's father.
- on October 12, 2006
I really like the shading and coloring in your pictures. you got skills:)
- on October 11, 2006
yo woman good work keep it up........dude right on way to be a creative squirrel.....Rmiller
- on October 11, 2006
It's a baby!
- on October 10, 2006
I really like this portrait, too. It has good line variation.
- on October 9, 2006
This actually looks pretty good on a t-shirt. The colors really stand out... Christie
- on October 9, 2006
Simple but I like the color!!! Christie
- on October 9, 2006
Kenzie this could resemble alot of woman. I know you think Cher but to many it could be a woman living in the era of B.C. what do yu think... Christie
- on October 9, 2006
I like the fact that each horse has a different look... Kudos Kenz... Christie
- on October 9, 2006
This is just beautiful... My hats off to you Kenz... Keep up the outstanding work :) Christie
- on October 9, 2006
This is my favorite piece I just like the color and texture of it. I dont know why but is seems peaceful. Maybe it is the color... Christie
- on October 9, 2006
This is cool I like hw you said that you used sand paper or something. This would be very interesting to practice and make other pieces to go with it... Christie
- on October 9, 2006
Norma will love this one. Maybe you might do a drawing for us that is large enough to hang on the wall... I like the fact that you can see the tree's in the water. Next time you do one see if you can reflect the mountains in the water. Christie
- on October 9, 2006
Kenzie I like the look of this as it has the look of different texture. The flowers look raised up almost as if you could touch them... Christie
- on October 9, 2006
Mackenzie again this takes imagination. WOW not only do I see a tiger but there is more to this piece... Christie
- on October 9, 2006
I love the texture and the flowers. It really looks life-like. I dont think that anybody don't like it.
- on October 9, 2006
This is a very interesting portrait. You can definitely see the age of the subject. Good job, Mackenzie!
- on October 9, 2006
I like the shadows and the background color. I like the blue.
- on October 9, 2006
This is beautiful. It shows a lot of talent!
- on October 9, 2006