Lilleanne2's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Lilleanne2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lillie--I LOVE this artwork! I love the different colors of the sky. The mountains at the bottom look majestic. Are those comets in the sky? WOW! You used a lot of imagination and talent to create this picture. Your artwork just keeps getting better and better!!!
- Mimi on February 15, 2024
Dear Lillie--This picture of a rainbow-colored "boom box" is beautiful. You did a great job, right down to the station you have listed on the front. This is a very beautiful picture with many details. I love it!!! I wish they made radios that looked like this! Good job!!!
- Mimi on February 15, 2024
Lillie you did an awesome job on this picture. I know with the bats it has to be your Mom's favorite. It almost looks like they are circling the moon and you took a photo looking threw a spider web. Great job. Love you Nana
- Nana on December 20, 2023
Lillieanne; this is REALLY good artwork for Halloween! You did great drawing each item in the picture. Thank you for sharing this with me!
- Mimi on December 14, 2023
Lillie--this picture is BEAUTIFUL!!! There are SO MANY beautiful colors. I can tell you spent a lot of time coloring each of those colors!!! I can tell you worked hard on this project. WOW!! This colorful picture made my day!!! Love you!
- Mimi on September 17, 2023
First, Lillie, I want to say how HUNGRY this picture makes me for some good ole' ice cream!!!!!!! I like the way you made the sundae glass different colors, to show the different shading of the glass. I think the way you made the straw look is perfect! And, then, there is the ice cream with sundae topping running down. YUM! This is a GREAT picture of one of America's best treats!!!!
- Mimi on March 29, 2023
Lillie--I really like this picture! I like the two-colored sky, (which we see very often here in Missouri), and I also like the buildings. The contrast of the different types and designs of the building really catches they eye, and makes you want to look at each building to see the different types of architecture. I especially like the buildings where I can see something "hidden" in the architecture!!! You are VERY creative!!
- Mimi on March 29, 2023
Lillie--This artwork is AMAZING!! The colors are so bright, and each building is made of different colors. You even made the cars each a different color!!! You really, REALLY did a great job on this picture!!
- Mimi on January 18, 2023
The dog's ears are perky like Abraham's!
- Lysa (Mother) on October 11, 2022
Love it Lillie! What a great picture of a dog!
- Aunt Jen on October 6, 2022
Lillie! You did a GREAT job on this bunny! It is such a colorful picture, even though the bunny is white. I love the rainbow of colors behind the bunny! I love even more the glasses!!! They are so colorful, and I really like the valentines you put on the corners of the glasses. I also love the eyelashes. I would think this is a lady bunny, right? She looks so friendly. I really, REALLY love this picture!!
- Mimi on April 27, 2022
Lillie--I really like this picture of an ice cream cone! I LOVE ice cream! This one looks like some pretty good flavors. I also love waffle cones. This picture reminds me that Spring and Summer are on their way, even if it is snowing outside our house right now!!! You did another excellent job on this artwork!!!
- Mimi on April 27, 2022
Lillie--is this picture of a landscape at night? It looks like it is, with a dark background, and, is that the moon? It is a beautiful picture! It looks like you were really inspired to make this picture!
- Mimi on April 27, 2022
WOW Lillie, what an impressive piece of art. I love the glowing eyes and the neon green body. Beautiful.
- Karen on April 27, 2022
Lillie--I love this picture!! Though this person is in the rain, the colors are so vibrant! I love it! What a GREAT job!!
- Mimi on April 27, 2022
Lillie--you did a GREAT job on this lizard! I do NOT like lizards, but this one looks very friendly! His eyes look friendly, and he is kind of smiling! I can't this crayons and paints together? I think this is an outstanding display of your art talents!! Thank you for sending this to me!!
- Mimi on April 27, 2022
Lillie--this artwork is so colorful! I love it! You did an amazing job of coloring in the lines, and outlining the object in black. What great work!!
- Mimi on April 27, 2022
Lillie--I REALLY do like all of the different colors and angles on this piece of artwork!! GREAT job!
- Mimi on December 13, 2021
This is beautiful! I love vibrant colors so much! You did an awesome job on this picture! It is one of my favorite pictures you have done.
- Mimi on December 8, 2021
What a pretty design and look you used your favorite color (pink) and your Mom's favorite color (green), how perfect. It looks really nice. I am so proud of you. Nana
- Nana on December 8, 2021
Lillie, you did a great job on your sailboat. The sky is awesome the way you shaded it and a beautiful sunny day. I also like your polka-dot sail. I should have know the way you love polka-dots. Great job! Love you, Nana
- Nana on December 8, 2021
I love the colors you used. They look really nice together.
- Lysa (Mother) on November 23, 2021
Lillie, You have painted my favorite subject birds. They are lovely. I wonder what they would look like if you painted them today. I do this, and the results are amazing. Love Aunt Odessa
- Aunt Odie(fan) on October 13, 2021
Lillie, You have painted my favorite subject birds. They are lovely. I wonder what they would look like if you painted them today. I do this, and the results are amazing. Love Aunt Odessa
- Aunt Odie(fan) on October 13, 2021
Lillie, You have painted my favorite subject birds. They are lovely. I wonder what they would look like if you painted them today. I do this, and the results are amazing. Love Aunt Odessa
- Aunt Odie(fan) on October 13, 2021
I think you painting of the mountains is great! Good job!
- Lysa (Mother) on March 24, 2020
Lillie; I LIKE the two chickens. You also did a great job with the two different colors of the chickens. I have seen REAL chickens with these same two colors! You did an excellent job with this artwork!! Thank you for showing it to me. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on October 9, 2019
Yea!! I've been waiting for the school office to finally take your lady nug off their display. I wanted to enjoy it too!
-- Mom
- on June 12, 2019
Great lines! Love you!
-- Mom
- on April 9, 2019
Lillie—I really like this flower!! I especially like seeing it now that it is such a cold winter. It makes me remember the beauty of spring & summer, when such beautiful flowers bloom! I’m glad I get to see your artwork! Thank you! Love, Mimi
-- Mimi
- on February 6, 2019
Your sunflower is my 2nd favorite so far! I'm still waiting for your ladybug to be uploaded! Love you!
-- Mom
- on January 26, 2019
Lillie; I LOVE this bear!! It is beautiful, and has a beautiful scarf, which I particularly like to see in the winter. You did a GREAT job on this picture!! Love, Mimi
-- Mimi
- on January 26, 2019
Lillie I love your bear her scarf is especially beautiful. I am so proud of your art work. I love you Nana
-- Nana
- on January 16, 2019
Lillie, I REALLY like this picture. You used so many beautiful colors!
-- Mimi
- on December 12, 2018
Lillie—I really like this picture! You used so many great colors together!!!
-- Mimi
- on December 12, 2018
That is a beautiful vace of flowers. I love it
-- Nana
- on December 12, 2018
2 additional comments not shown - marked as private or waiting on parent permission